OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it that way.So before we start I have to say thank you all again for helping me reach 447 pageviews! Let's get to the meat of the matter: The X-Men movies. Like always,I'll give all those who didn't watch the movies a shortened plot for all 5 movies and have my thoughts on it at the end. So let's start off with a jumpbreak!
Joking,here's X-Men:In Congress, Senator Robert Kelly attempts to pass a "Mutant Registration Act", which would force mutants to publicly reveal their identities and abilities. Magneto begins his plans to level the playing field between mutants and humans. Meanwhile, a girl named Marie (a.k.a Rogue) runs away from her home in Meridian, Mississippi. She meets Wolverine in Canada. Suddenly, both of them are attacked by Sabretooth, a mutant and associate of Magneto. Cyclops and Storm arrive and save Wolverine and Rogue and bring them to the X-Mansion. Professor Charles Xavier runs the facility, and leads a group of mutants who are trying to seek peace with the human race, educate young mutants in the responsible use of their powers, and stop Magneto from starting a war with humanity. Abducted by Mystique and Toad, Senator Kelly is brought to Magneto, who tests a machine on him that artificially induces mutation though Kelly manages to escape imprisonment with his new abilities. After an accident causes Rogue to use her powers on Wolverine, she is convinced by Mystique (disguised as Bobby Drake) that Xavier is angry with her and that she should leave the school. Xavier uses Cerebro to locate Rogue at a train station. Mystique infiltrates Cerebro and sabotages the machine. At the train station, Wolverine convinces Rogue to stay with Xavier but a fight ensues when Magneto, Toad and Sabretooth arrive to take Rogue. Arriving at Xavier's school Kelly dissolves into a puddle of water when his mutation becomes unstable. The X-Men learn that Magneto intends to use Rogue's ability on himself to power his machine. Xavier attempts to use Cerebro to locate Rogue but falls into a coma. Jean Grey fixes it and uses Cerebro to find Magneto's machine on Liberty Island, which Magneto intends to use on the world leaders who are meeting for a summit on nearby Ellis Island. Just as the group arrives at the top of the statue and kill Toad, Magneto and Sabretooth incapacitate the group and continue with their plans. Magneto transfers his powers to Rogue who is forced to use them to start the machine. Wolverine breaks free and initiates a fight with Sabretooth but is thrown over the side of the statue. Wolverine returns, and Cyclops, with Jean's help, blasts Sabretooth out of the statue. With Jean stabilizing him, Storm uses her abilities to send Wolverine to the top of Magneto's machine. With time running out, Wolverine attempts to stop the machine and save Rogue, but Magneto, now having regained some of his strength, halts Wolverine's claws. Cyclops manages to find a clean shot, wounding Magneto and allowing Wolverine to destroy the machine. Placing his hand to her face, Wolverine succeeds in transferring his regenerative abilities to a dying Rogue. Professor Xavier recovers from his coma and the group learns that Mystique is still alive (after Wolverine stabbed her at Liberty Island) when they see her impersonating Senator Kelly on a news broadcast. In an attempt to help Wolverine learn more about his past, Xavier sends him to a military base near Alkali Lake. Xavier visits Magneto in his plastic prison cell, and the two play chess. Magneto warns his friend that he will continue his fight, to which Xavier promises that he (and the Men) will always be there to stop him.X2:Nightcrawler, a teleporting mutant, attempts to assassinate the President of the United States in the White House, but he fails and escapes after being shot by a Secret Service agent. Wolverine heads to Alkali Lake but finds nothing left of the base. Logan returns to the school, reunited with Rogue, her boyfriend Iceman, Cyclops, Storm, and Jean Grey. He is requested by Professor Xavier to watch over the children at the school, while Storm and Jean find Nightcrawler with the help of the professor and Cerebro.
Cyclops and the Professor visit Magneto in his plastic prison to see if he had any part in the attack on the President. Reading Magneto's mind, the Professor discovers that a covert government operative, William Stryker, has been extracting information from Magneto. A trap is sprung and Cyclops and the Professor are captured by Stryker and his assistant Yuriko Oyama. A military raid of the X-Mansion begins, with the soldiers sedating every student they find. However, the plan backfires when Wolverine strikes back and kills a large number of Stryker's men, while Colossus, Rogue, Iceman, Pyro, and most of the students escape through a series of hidden tunnels in the school. Wolverine confronts Stryker, who fails to shed any light to his past. Iceman returns, saves Wolverine by creating a wall of ice between him and Stryker, and they both escape through one of the tunnels. Stryker's soldiers had already succeeded in sedating six students and managed to break inside Cerebro.
Impersonating Senator Robert Kelly and Yuriko, Mystique gains information about Magneto's prison and provides a means for him to escape. Wolverine, along with Rogue, Iceman and Pyro head to Iceman's (Bobby Drake's) parents' home in Boston. After a 9-1-1 call from Bobby's brother Ronny, the police arrive just as the group is about to leave. Pyro uses his fire manipulation powers to fend off the police, but gets carried away and is prevented from causing further damage by Rogue. The X-Jet arrives to pick them up, and they are quickly targeted by two Air Force fighter jets. They manage to force the pilots to eject with the help of Storm and Jean Grey; however, they are hit by a missile which threatens to crash them. Only due to the sudden interference of Magneto do they survive. The X-Men then team up with Magneto and Mystique. Magneto has learned Stryker orchestrated the attack on the President and has been experimenting on mutants, using a drug injected directly into the back of the neck to control them. Jean reads Nightcrawler's mind and determines that Stryker's base is located at Alkali Lake, inside the dam where he plans to kill the world's mutants by building a second Cerebro.
Through his son, Jason, Stryker gains control over the Professor. His son is able to project powerful visions in the mind, blinding a person to reality, and through this the Professor is brainwashed to use Cerebro to find and kill all mutants. Mystique is able to infiltrate Stryker's base by impersonating Wolverine as the X-Men followed. Storm and Nightcrawler search for the kidnapped students. Jean, Magneto, and Mystique are attacked by a brainwashed Cyclops while trying to rescue the Professor and in the process caused damage to the generators that keep the dam from collapsing. The force of Jean's telekinetic blast awakens Cyclops from his brainwashing, and Wolverine simultaneously finds Stryker in an adamantium smelting room along with Yuriko, who is revealed to be Lady Deathstrike. Wolverine manages to defeat Deathstrike and then finds Stryker on a landing pad, where Stryker attempts to bargain Wolverine for his life with stories of his past.
Storm and Nightcrawler find the children and break them out of their cell. Magneto and Mystique managed to kill the rest of Stryker's men by setting off their grenades, which causes a leak in the dam, and Magneto stops Jason and the Professor before the mutants are killed. While disguised as Stryker, Mystique uses Jason to convince the Professor to kill all humans; she and Magneto, along with their new initiate, Pyro, then use Stryker's helicopter to escape Alkali Lake, chaining Stryker to concrete rubble. Meanwhile, Nightcrawler teleports Storm inside of Cerebro where she creates a snowstorm to free the Professor from his telepathic illusion.
They all then flee the base as water engulfs it, only to discover that Magneto, Mystique, and Pyro - who had earlier been convinced by Magneto to join them - had escaped on the helicopter. Fortunately, Iceman and Rogue arrive with the X-Jet and everyone gets on board. The dam bursts completely, flooding the landscape and killing Stryker. A malfunction aboard the X-Jet prevents it from taking off; Jean sacrifices herself by leaving the jet and creating a telekinetic wall as a shield against the flood. She activates the X-Jet's primary engines before releasing the torrent of water down on herself, presumably killing her.
The X-Men are able to supply the President with files from Stryker's private offices, and the Professor warns him that humans and mutants must work together to build peace or they will destroy each other through war. The next scene returns to the school, with Professor Xavier, Cyclops, and Wolverine talking about Jean's past. They are then interrupted by Colossus and a large number of the students who are supposed to be in their next class. While they leave, Wolverine tells Cyclops that Jean made a choice and that it was him, which relieves Cyclops a good deal. The film ends with a voice-over by Jean Grey on the process of evolution (a speech originally made by the Professor in the introduction of the first film). The camera floats over Alkali Lake, showing a vague shape of a 'Phoenix' flying above it, hinting at her survival.X-Men: The Last Stand:In the 1980s, Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto meet a young Jean Grey at her parents' house. Ten years prior, a young Warren Worthington III tries to cut off his wings.
The next scene opens with the X-Men in battle against a giant robot in the Danger Room. Kitty Pryde and Colossus have joined the team, although Cyclops is absent. Storm insistes on working as a team, but Wolverine has Colossus throw him as he cuts the giant robot's head off. Storm is upset with Logan for not working as a team.
Sometime afterward, the pharmaceutical company Worthington Labs announces it has developed an inoculation to suppress the X-gene that gives mutants their powers and makes them different from other humans, offering the "cure" to any mutant who wants it. While some mutants are interested in the cure, including the X-Men's Rogue (Anna Paquin), many others are horrified by the announcement. In response to the news, the X-Men's adversary, Magneto, raises an army, warning his followers that the "cure" will be forcefully used to exterminate the mutant race.
Cyclops, still depressed about the loss of Jean, returns to Alkali Lake. Jean appears to Cyclops, but as the two kiss, Jean takes on a fearsome appearance. Psychically sensing trouble, Professor X sends Wolverine and Storm to investigate. When they arrive, the two X-Men encounter telekinetically floating rocks, Cyclops' glasses, and an unconscious Jean. Cyclops himself is nowhere to be found. Xavier explains that when Jean sacrificed herself, she unleashed the powerful alternate personality she calls "Phoenix". Wolverine is disgusted to learn that Xavier has kept Jean in check telepathically, but when Jean awakens, he realizes she is not the Jean Grey he knew. Jean pleads with Wolverine to kill her, but when he refuses, the Phoenix surfaces and knocks out Wolverine, before escaping to her childhood home.
Magneto, alerted by Callisto to the presence of a powerful mutant, realizes that it must be Jean Grey. Magneto and his allies are already at Jean's childhood home when Xavier and his X-Men arrive. The two men vie for Jean's loyalty until the Phoenix resurfaces. She destroys her family's house, disintegrates Xavier, and leaves with Magneto.
The X-Men regroup to confront Magneto's army, despite being significantly outnumbered. Magneto has diverted the Golden Gate Bridge to provide access to Alcatraz Island, the location of Worthington Labs facility. The military troops defending the facility are armed with plastic "cure weapons" able to neutralize the attacking mutants, and non-metallic to counter Magneto's powers. Magneto lets the lesser-powered mutants charge ahead, with heavy initial losses, but then they rapidly begin to overwhelm the troops. The X-Men Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Iceman, Colossus and Shadowcat arrive to battle Magneto and his troops.
During the fight, Beast injects Magneto with the cure, nullifying his powers. Meanwhile, Shadowcat has entered the facility to find the mutant who is the source of the cure and saves him from the murderous Juggernaut. They escape as Phoenix begins to destroy everything around her. Wolverine realizes that due to his self-healing power, he is the only one who can approach her. He tells Storm to evacuate everyone and faces Phoenix alone, his power barely neutralizing her disintegration attack. Jean, momentarily gaining control, begs Wolverine to save her. Telling Jean he loves her, Wolverine kills her and holds her dead body as he weeps.
The school continues without Xavier, with Storm now as headmistress and Logan as a teacher. The US president appoints Beast as ambassador to the United Nations, Rogue returns, telling Iceman she has taken the cure and the two hold hands skin-to-skin. The depowered Magneto sits at a chessboard in a park and reaches toward a metal chess piece that moves slightly.X-Men Origins: Wolverine:In 1845, James Howlett, a young boy living in northern Canada, sees his father killed by groundskeeper Thomas Logan. The trauma activates the boy's mutation: bone claws protrude from James' hands, and he kills Thomas, who reveals with his dying breath that he is James' real father. James flees into the forest along with Thomas's son Victor Creed, who is thus James' half-brother. They spend the next century as soldiers, fighting in the Civil War, both World Wars, Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In 1973, Victor (Liev Schrieber) attempts to rape a local village woman, but is stopped after killing a senior officer. James (Hugh Jackman) defends his brother, and the two are sentenced to execution by firing squad, which they survive. Major William Stryker (Danny Huston) approaches them, now in military custody, and offers them membership in Team X, a group of mutants including marksman Agent Zero (Daniel Henney), swordsman Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), teleporter John Wraith (will.i.am), invulnerable Fred Dukes (Kevin Durand) and electropathic Chris Bradley (Dominic Monaghan). They join the team, but the group's questionable actions and disregard for human life cause James to leave.
Six years later, James, now going by the name Logan, lives in Canada with his girlfriend, Kayla Silverfox (Lynn Collins). Colonel Stryker locates Logan and warns him that someone is killing members of the team; both Wilson and Bradley are dead. Shortly afterward, Victor murders Kayla and attacks Logan. Stryker offers Logan a way to beat Victor; Logan undergoes an operation to reinforce his skeleton with adamantium, a virtually indestructible metal. Before the procedure, Logan asks for new dog tags inscribed with "Wolverine", based on a story that Kayla told him. Once the procedure is complete, Stryker orders Logan's memory erased, but Logan overhears and fights his way out. As Logan runs, Zero tracks him down, but is killed.
Logan locates Wraith and Dukes and asks them about the location of Stryker's new laboratory, referred to as "The Island". They tell him to find Remy "Gambit" LeBeau (Taylor Kitsch), who escaped and knows the location of The Island. Logan and Wraith locate Gambit in New Orleans, but when Logan asks for the Island's location, Gambit suspects he was sent to recapture him and attacks. Outside, Logan finds Victor, who had just killed Wraith and the two fight. When Logan is about to kill Victor, Gambit interrupts, and Victor escapes. Logan and Gambit fight before Logan convinces him he is not working for Stryker. Gambit takes him to Stryker's facility on Three Mile Island. After learning of Stryker's mutant son and believing that he is too emotionally close to the situation, General Munson tries to shut Weapon XI down, but Stryker kills him.
There, Logan learns that Kayla is alive and conspired with Stryker in exchange for her sister's safety. Enraged, Logan leaves. Victor then arrives, demanding the adamantium bonding promised for his service, but Stryker refuses on the basis that Victor would not survive the procedure. Victor attempts to kill Kayla, but Logan hears her screams and returns. Logan defeats and nearly kills Victor. Meanwhile, Stryker activates Weapon XI, a "mutant killer" with the abilities of other mutants bonded to Wade Wilson's body, which Stryker refers to as "the Deadpool".
Kayla and Logan free the imprisoned mutants, and on their escape they are found by Deadpool. Logan holds Deadpool off while the mutants flee. During the escape, Kayla, mortally wounded, decides to stay behind while the party led by Scott Summers (Tim Pocock) is greeted by Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), who offers them shelter at his school.
Logan lures Deadpool to the top of one of the plant's cooling towers. Logan is almost killed until Victor intervenes. After a lengthy battle, Logan manages to decapitate Deadpool and kick him into the base of the cooling tower. As he falls, the head fires optic blasts that cause the tower to start falling apart. Victor departs and Logan is saved from the collapsing tower by Gambit. After Logan finds Kayla, Stryker shoots him in the forehead with adamantium bullets, rendering him unconscious. Kayla uses her persuasion powers to make Stryker drop the gun and commands him to "walk until [his] feet bleed" before dying from her wounds. Gambit returns as Logan regains consciousness, but the brain damage caused by the bullets has triggered amnesia. Gambit tries convincing Logan to come with him, but he declines, wanting to go his own way. And finally,X-Men First Class:At a World War II concentration camp in occupied Poland in 1944, scientist Dr. Klaus Schmidt observes young Erik Lensherr bend a metal gate with his mind when the child is separated from his mother. In his office, Schmidt orders Lensherr to move a coin on a desk, killing his mother when Lensherr cannot. In grief and anger, Lensherr's magnetic power manifests, killing two guards and destroying the room. Meanwhile, at a mansion in Westchester County, New York, young telepath Charles Xavier meets young shape-shifter Raven whose natural form is blue. Overjoyed to meet someone else "different", he invites her to live with his family as his foster sister.
Eighteen years later, Lensherr is tracking down Schmidt, while Xavier is graduating from Oxford University with a thesis about mutation. In Las Vegas, CIA officer Moira MacTaggert follows U.S. Army Colonel Hendry into the Hellfire Club, where she sees Schmidt (now known as Sebastian Shaw), telepathic Emma Frost, and teleporter Azazel. Threatened by Shaw and teleported by Azazel to the War Room, Hendry advocates the deployment of nuclear missiles in Turkey. Hendry later is killed by the energy-absorbing mutant Shaw.
MacTaggert, seeking Xavier's advice on mutation, takes him and Raven to the CIA, where they convince the Director John McCone that mutants exist and Shaw is a threat. Another CIA executive sponsors the mutants and invites them to the secret "Division X" facility. MacTaggert and Xavier find Shaw as Lensherr is attacking him, rescuing Lensherr from drowning as Shaw escapes. Xavier brings Lensherr to Division X, where they meet young scientist Hank McCoy, a mutant with prehensile feet, who believes Raven's DNA may provide a "cure" for their appearance. Xavier uses McCoy's mutant-locating device Cerebro to seek recruits against Shaw. Xavier and Lensherr recruit stripper Angel Salvadore. Later, taxi driver Armando Muñoz, Army prisoner Alex Summers, and Sean Cassidy join, and code-name themselves Darwin, Havok, and Banshee, respectively. Raven dubs herself Mystique. Xavier and Lensherr also approach Wolverine, who declines with a profanity.
When Frost meets with a Soviet general in the USSR, Xavier and Lensherr capture her and learn of Shaw's intentions to start World War III and trigger mutant ascendency. Meanwhile, Azazel, Riptide and Shaw attack Division X, killing everyone but the mutants, and asks them to join him. Angel accepts; when Havok and Darwin retaliate, Shaw absorbs Havok's energy blast and uses it to kill Darwin. With the facility destroyed, Xavier takes the mutants to his family mansion for training. There McCoy devises protective uniforms. In Moscow, Shaw compels the general to have the USSR install missiles in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis ensues, with the U.S. instituting a blockade to stop the missiles from arriving. Shaw, wearing a helmet that foils Xavier's telepathy, shadows the Soviet fleet in a submarine to ensure the missiles arrive.
Raven attempts to seduce Lensherr, who instead convinces her to embrace her mutant nature. She then refuses McCoy's cure. Using the cure on himself backfires, rendering McCoy a blue leonine beast. McCoy pilots a variant SR-71 jet to take the mutants and MacTaggert to the blockade line. Lensherr uses his magnetic power to lift Shaw's submarine from the water to a nearby island. During the ensuing battle, Lensherr seizes Shaw's helmet, allowing Xavier to immobilize Shaw. Lensherr tells Shaw that he shares Shaw's exclusivist view of mutants but, to avenge his mother, kills Shaw—over Xavier's objections—by forcing a Nazi Reichsmark coin through his brain.
Fearing the mutants, both fleets fire their missiles at them, which Lensherr turns back in mid-flight. In a struggle, Xavier keeps Lensherr from destroying the fleets with the missiles, but when MacTaggert shoots at Lensherr, a deflected bullet hits Xavier in the spine. Lensherr leaves with Angel, Riptide, Azazel, and Mystique. A wheelchair-bound Xavier and his mutants return to the mansion, where he intends to open a school. MacTaggert promises never to reveal his location and they kiss; at a CIA debriefing later, she says she has no clear memory of recent events. Lensherr, in costume with the helmet and calling himself Magneto, frees Frost from confinement.
My thoughts on it: My favourite of them all has to be X-Men First Class. It's so awesome,really in my humble opinion,even with the timeline plot holes it creates being a prequel,it's still the best for me.If they planned to reboot the entire franchise with this movie because X-Men Origins:Wolverine and X-Men The Last Stand didn't do so well,I would not have any problem with it.The first four wasn't that bad in my opinion but what made X-Men First Class stand out was that it wasn't about Wolverine the whole time.The first movie was great but again,like the Raimi Spiderman movies,I didn't feel like anything makes it connect to the second one.Like there's no consistent story,each of it is a story of its own.The third movie did something REALLY stupid in my opinion.They killed off Cyclops. Why? I like Cyclops. But I'm not blind that the entire X-men franchise kinda shuffled Cyclops around.Again the first four was about Wolverine and Cyclops,the leader of the X-men,doesn't get as much focus as he should have.Another thing the third movie did wrong in my opinion is the character Phoenix.Phoenix is supposed to be this super power entity who can kill people with a look,yet she can't beat Wolverine? Wolverine has that whole regeneration factor,but come on seriously? But I'll have to give credit where credit's due: All the fight scenes in the movie,especially the third one were great.I like the third one best,in the end battle they all stood their ground and fought Magneto head on.Killing off Cyclops was stupid,but I also REALLY hated what they did to the Deadpool character in X-men Origins Wolverine. Deadpool is supposed to be a funny asshole.WHY THE HELL DID YOU RIP HIS MOUTH OFF?? Seriously,his nickname is 'Merc with a mouth',not 'Ryan Reynolds in another failed hero film'.What I also found weird in the X-Men Origins movie is Sabretooth.In that movie,a prequel,he could talk.Yet in the first one,he only speaks in growls.Not a big problem,just weird.The Cyclops cameo was unnecessary,unlike the Wolverine cameo in First Class which was hilarious.I can't continually bash the first four without adding some dirt to the 5th one if I'm to be fair.The characters in First Class wasn't that interesting,save for Professor X and Magneto.I mean the mutants in there are Havok,Banshee,Angel etc. It won't make you go screaming: "Oh yes! I have to watch my favourite mutants on the big screen!" Cyclops,Storm and Wolverine are the famous one's and it made everyone excited.Though First Class ultimately was a Professor X and Magneto origins movie and I guess they didn't want other people overshadowing the main characters.Mystique was innocent-ish in this movie,which is also,like Sabretooth in X-Men Origins Wolverine,a flaw which isn't too much of a problem but it's still weird. OK guys that's my review on the X-Men movies. Which one is your favourite X-Men movie,what do you think of the entire franchise and what would you like me to review next? Tell me all that and where I can improve on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
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