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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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It's been two weeks since my last post...I have a feeling that's how long they took to come up with the name 'In Space'
Hello one and all!! First off,I'd like to thank you all for viewing my blog a total of 491 times!! Secondly,I'd like to sincerely apologize for the delay,my last post was at 31st August and I do apologize for the HUGE two week delay! I'll make up for it though by posting 4 back-to-back reviews on my personal favourite Top 4 Power Ranger seasons! Yes for this post and the next three,it'll be nothing but me geeking out on my favourite piece of nostalgia. So let's dig into Power Rangers In Space.Word of advice though I'm still trying out this whole review thing and I don't want to bore you all by writing REALLY long reviews,so if you are looking for a real professional and audio review, check out Linkara. POWER RANGERS IN SPACE: The season begins with Divatox blowing up the command center,which is the base for the Power Rangers. She was called away by an evil entity called Dark Specter before she could find and kill the powerless rangers though. The reason she was called away was because Dark Specter,the most evil entity ever,has just captured Zordon,the most good entity ever. Not wanting to give up and yearning to rescue their lost mentor(Zordon) four of the five Turbo Rangers(TJ,Carlos,Ashley and Cassie) decide to go into Space to chase after her,the fifth one Justin deciding to stay back on Earth with his dad. They soon meet up with Andros,the Red Space Ranger who at first want nothing to do with the 4 human rangers.He soon finds himself in a pickle though and so gave the four rangers new morphers,effectively making them the Power Rangers In Space. Andros-Red,TJ-Blue,Carlos-Black,Ashley-Yellow and Cassie-Pink.Andros and the Turbo Rangers both have same goals : which is to save Zordon.So Andros allows them to travel with him on his Megaship,a huge spaceship which can transform into a huge megazord which he picked up from his homeworld: KO-35. They soon find themselves against an evil enemy called Astronema. She is the so-called Princess of Evil and works under Dark Specter,her goal to prevent the Rangers from finding Zordon. Astronema is aided by her sort of father,Ecliptor and soon after a bounty hunter named Darkonda. Carlos and his friends find out that Andros had lost a sister. It was soon revealed that Darkonda was the one who captured Andros's sister when she was young. The Rangers aren't helpless against the might of Astronema though as it is discovered by TJ,Carlos,Cassie and Ashley that Zhane,Andros's best friend and Silver In Space Ranger,is aboard the Megaship,frozen. Turns out,Andros and Zhane fought in a war together and Zhane almost died blocking a blast that was meant for Andros.This would actually explain why Andros was at first reluctant to take the Earth Rangers as his teammates,for he has first hand experience that not always do Rangers survive the harsher aspects of battles. Zhane defreezes after a malfunction caused by a monster though,but all's good as he's back on his feet and helping the Rangers in finding Zordon.It was soon revealed that Astronema is Karone,Andros long-lost sister,the one Darkonda kidnapped. After some talks and battles and proving herself trustworthy,the Rangers accept her as part of the team. Dark Specter,unhappy, launches an asteroid that would destroy the Earth,and the only way to stop it is if Karone goes back to her evil spaceship and redirect it. It fails since Darkonda has implanted some sort of chip into Ecliptor to capture Karone and turn her back to Astroneman(Ecliptor actually protected Astronema from Darkonda and the other bad guys when she decided to become good,showing that Ecliptor cares for Astronema more than for himself or for evil). The Rangers in the end manage to stop the asteroid thanks to Zhane with his new Megazord. After Astronema became evil again,she changed. Initially, she felt loyal to Dark Specter and Ecliptor's dark ways because they raised her,so she felt evil was the right thing to do. Now though,she's so evil she only cares on being on top,which means she wants to do away with Dark Specter. Her plan is absolutely PERFECT because,in my opinion,the Psycho Rangers are the best evil bad guys ever! Her plan to topple Dark Specter is the Psycho Rangers. The Psycho Rangers are basically evil,insane copies of the Rangers,only that their powers are drawn from Dark Specter,meaning everytime they fight,they use up more of Dark Specter's energy,making him weaker and weaker.The reason I love the Psycho Rangers arc so much is because they are extremely badass,winning every confrontation they have with the rangers,only being prevented to kill them by Astronema(since,you know,she wants to continue draining Dark Specter's energy). The other reason I like this arc so much is that it shows the Rangers thinking outside the box to defeat the Psycho Ranger instead of using a one-off weapon. Due to the infighting among the Psycho Rangers,the Rangers manage to defeat them. And now we reached our finale,which is Countdown to Destruction. This finale was and still is the best finale to a Power Rangers season ever,in my opinion.
My thoughts on it: Officially,this season is number one of my top 4. The other three we'll get to later,but this is number one. I like it alot because its a huge shift from the past 5 seasons. For all those who don't watch Power Rangers,the first five seasons(Mighty Morphin to Turbo), the Rangers always had a mentor: Zordon. Whenever they had tough times,they could always count on Zordon to pull out some magic weapon or advice to help them out.This season,the Rangers are all on their own. Which is a plus for me.It really feels like they're growing up,learning to fend for themselves without Zordon.The Psycho Rangers arc,especially when they were fighting the Blue Psycho,further shows how much they can do,thinking out of the box and all.This is the also the first time for Power Rangers for the villain(Astronema not Dark Specter) to be related to a Ranger(in this case,a brother sister relationship between Astronema and Andros),so that also further plus. Another first for Power Rangers is the Battlizer. Yeah I didn't mention it when writing the short plot,but it's really nothing to talk about. I feel mixed on it,on the one hand,my favourite ranger is the Red,so he gets the cool toys,yay I guess.On another,it makes the Red Ranger more powerful and more important.Power Rangers is a team,not Red Ranger only.Not entirely the Battlizer's fault in this season though,as I feel that major parts of the story was Andros and Astronema's relationship. It shifts the focus more on Andros and less on the others,but I don't have much to gripe about it since the last season,Power Rangers Turbo,gave enough development for the other rangers.Still,would be nice if their was more focus on Zhane. The one thing I really felt sad for though was Ecliptor. He is,ultimately,a guy(monster) who only wants to protect Astronema,the girl he considers a daughter,so he's not that evil. He dies at the end which is kinda sad. But hey the Psycho Rangers,they are awesome. I would rewatch In Space just for the Psycho Rangers arc. This season also marks another traditional end,which is the in-season changes.For all who are uninformed,the previous 5 seasons had the rangers passing the torch to other people.After In Space,Power Rangers would follow the Super Sentai way,which is a new team every season.I really wish they kept the in-season changes since in my opinion,that way it had force the writers to come up with original ideas when passing the torch instead of just following Super Sentai which is a problem for future seasons. Overall,Power Rangers In Space is an awesome season,more so for those who watched the previous six. OK guys that's my review what do you think of Power Rangers In Space and are you Power Rangers fans? Comment on that and where I can improve on my Facebook Twitter or Google+. Sorry for the LONG delay,BIG thanks for the pageviews and tune in next time for Power Rangers Time Force.
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