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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
Did they do justice to my favourite vampire books:Darren Shan the Vampire Saga? A BIG NO
Thank you all for your much appreciated 333 pageviews! Now I've noticed that all my reviews till now have been more or less appraising. So now,I want to rip the hell out of something I dearly hate,so fair warning,this is going to be a long rant on a movie I wholeheartedly dislike: The Vampire's Assistant.The Vampire's Assistant is a book to movie adaptation from a series of vampire books: Darren Shan:The Vampire Saga. First off,I'd like to say I'm a HUGE fan of the books, my cousin introduced the books and I enjoyed it,so when the movie was produced,I was naturally curious.It sucks,ALOT. Let's touch upon the acting: Chris Massoglia who plays Darren is horrible.His voice sounds like he has a cold the whole time and he doesn't really sell any of his lines.The actor made me hate the character. Mr Crepsley,Mr Tiny and Mr Tall all look stupid and don't look AT ALL like their book counterparts.Even their manners and personalities are screwed. Especially Mr Crepsley,in the books, he's supposed to be quiet,mysterious but in this movie,he makes unfunny jokes and has a sarcastic manner. He is even shown to have an interest in Madame Truska,which never happened.WHY? When making a book to movie adaptation,please stick close to the source material! Mr Tiny is shown to have sided with the vampaneze and even talks to Steve directly.To top it off,he is shown to be best friends with Murlaugh.When in the books,it is shown he portrays the image of a man who doesn't side anyone and is shown to be working in the shadows..STICK TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Evra,who is Darren's best friend in the book,is annoying in the movie. He spends all his screen time playing the drums,which,in the books,NEVER happened.The movie also feels the need to torture us some more by screwing the simplest of things. One of which is the Little People.The Little People are human-sized and DON'T TALK AT ALL(except for one).Yet in the movie they are tiny little troll midgets who grunt and scream all the time!They even mess up the GENDER of a member of the Cirque Du Freak. In the books,Cormac Limbs is a guy who can regrow limbs,NOT a WOMAN!!! It may seem like nitpicking,but its not. Its a movie to book adaptation and they can't even get the gender right.Darren's love interest is a performing freak at the Cirque Du Freak named Rebbeca who is a half human/monkey hybrid.She's ok...except she doesn't freaking exist! Yes the movie doesn't just screw up the characters in the books,they needlessly add a few. GOD DAMN THIS MOVIE SUCKS! As a huge fan of the books,this movie sucks even more.I have only watched it once so I'm sure there are ALOT more things this movie screws up that I haven't noticed. But I did take a step back and wondered what it would be like for a person who doesn't read the books: All I can say is, it still(for want of a better word)SUCKS MAJOR BALLS!Seriously I could not see what one would like except for an alternative to the Twilight movies,which is not saying much.Funnily enough,the character that annoyed me the least was Steve,Darren's former best friend turned vampaneze who was portrayed by Josh Hutcherson.His acting was not THAT bad and his character felt sympathetic,which I guess is not that far off from the books since he did start out as a sympathetic character what with his screwed up life. In the end I would not recommend this movie to anyone especially true fans of the books. Thank you all if you managed to sit thorough me ranting till this far,hopefully you all will tell me where I can improve by sending me a message on my Facebook, Tweet me @ my Twitter or Google+ me.
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