Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie of Pokemon. It's actually titled Pokemon,The First Movie. Really? How arrogant is it? It's like they purposely labelled it that because they were certain they'd make a crap ton of sequels(they did,but that's beside the point). I'll admit,growing up,I wasn't much of a fan of the anime. More of a Power Rangers/Dragonball fan. Now I'm a huge fan of the Pokemon Adventures manga series written by Hidenori Kusaka.I even reviewed the first saga of the story(Red,Blue,Green Saga) right here. But the anime? I'm still not a huge fan. I mean Ash,Brock and Misty have no defining qualities which I can see. Ash maybe,he wants to conquer the Pokemon world or something,but Brock and Misty? They're more like his loyal servants than friends.And is Ash suppose to have a crush on Misty or something? I even disliked it more when,first Misty then Brock left the show.Yeah they're uninteresting but why replace them? We at least feel more emotionally attached to them than their replacements anyway. But I'm not here to comment on the anime,I'm here to talk about Pokemon,The First Movie.My previous blogs had a few segments to it so it was easier to skip to the things you want to read.If you already know the plot or watched the movie,scroll to the end to read my thoughts on it! Here's the plot of Pokemon,The First Movie:The Pokémon Mewtwo was created in an island laboratory from the DNA of Mew, a rare Pokémon believed to be extinct, recovered from fossilized remains. Displeased with the concept of being nothing more than a mere lab experiment, Mewtwo destroys the laboratory. Shortly afterward, he meets Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, who proposes a partnership with the Pokémon in exchange of helping it control its powers. Mewtwo is "trained" over the next few months, being pitted against challengers in Giovanni's gym and restraining Pokémon for Team Rocket to capture. Mewtwo eventually realizes that Giovanni is merely using him as a tool and destroys his headquarters. Mewtwo flies back to the island where it was created and begins plotting revenge against humanity. Meanwhile, Ash Ketchum and his friends Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and all their Pokémon companions receive an invitation to a party hosted by the world's "greatest Pokémon Master" on New Island. Ash and his friends are excited and rush to the docks in an attempt to catch a boat to New Island, but a storm is mysteriously formed and all boat rides to the island are canceled. Undeterred, several trainers make their way out to the island by riding their Pokémon, though neither Ash nor his friends have any Pokémon of their own that can help them safely navigate the stormy sea. In their latest plot to steal rare Pokémon, Team Rocket offers the trio a lift to the island, disguised as a pair of Vikings, but their small wooden boat is destroyed by a wave. Ash and his friends manage to reach the island with their aquatic Pokémon, and are escorted inside the palace on the island. Mewtwo reveals itself to Ash, his friends, and three other trainers who braved the storm battle as the "World's Greatest Pokémon Master," and that it had created the storm with its powers to test the trainers' wills. After being berated by Mewtwo for the relationships they share with their Pokémon, Ash and some of the other trainers challenge Mewtwo after witnessing Mewtwo's confession of having kidnapped Nurse Joy for his own personal purposes, the trainers pit their Pokémon against clones of Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. The clones easily defeat the trainers' Pokémon. Mewtwo proceeds to steal all the Pokémon present, including Ash's Pikachu, with a special set of Poké Balls. Ash pursues his Pokémon as they are taken deep into a cloning facility on the island and rescues them while they are being cloned. The clones join with Mewtwo and the cloning machine explodes, releasing all the captured Pokémon. Mewtwo announces its intentions to overthrow humanity with its army of Pokémon and rule the world. Enraged, Ash lashes out at Mewtwo, who repels and blasts him away with its psychic powers. Ash is saved by Mew, the rare, playful Pokémon having appeared periodically before, who is engaged by Mewtwo. A brutal battle between the trainers' Pokémon and their clones erupts, although Pikachu refuses to fight with its own clone (Meowth's clone also seems to refuse to fight, causing the original Meowth to ponder on what the two sides have in common).The trainers are unable to bear this senseless violence, even while the two sides grow fatigued and Mew and Mewtwo continue fighting. In an attempt to put an end to the ordeal, Mew and Mewtwo sum up all their remaining powers for one final duel. As they open fire however, Ash runs to the center of the arena in a brave but desperate attempt to stop the fight. Ash is turned into stone in the attack, and he collapses in the center of the arena. Pikachu runs to the side of its now-deceased trainer. After trying to get him off the floor, Pikachu attempts again using Thunderbolt, but in vain. In its grief, Pikachu starts crying for its fallen master, the other Pokémon in the arena doing the same. The tears reach Ash, their mystical healing powers reviving him. As everyone rejoices, Mewtwo, taken aback by Ash's act of selflessness to save all the Pokémon, has an epiphany over the relationship between humans and Pokémon, and realizes that the circumstances of how one is born should not be allowed to divide anyone. It leaves the island with Mew and the cloned Pokémon, erasing everyone else's memory of the horrifying incident, knowing it is for the best. Ash and his friends find themselves back on the docks with no idea how they got there. Ash looks up to the sky and spots Mew flying past, and recounts to his friends how he saw a rare Pokémon on the first day of his journey.
My thoughts on it: This movie is...ok in my opinion,I think it could even slide to the lower end of the scale. It really wasn't that engaging. I think it's because I can't place my finger on why their message is 'fighting is bad'. Seriously? That's the message a POKEMON movie is trying to convey? The message 'fighting is bad' is coming from Pokemon,a series which profited FROM kids using pocket monsters as their slaves to fight other pocket monsters for money and glory etc. It's just REALLY hypocritical of them to say fighting's bad when the whole premise of the game and anime is TO fight and level up.Another thing is Mew. Is he supposed to be retarded in the movie? I haven't seen much episodes of the anime,so I don't know what he's like in the series,but in the manga and game,he doesn't act like a complete idiot.All he does is bounce around.It's also chockful of cliche's,or at least one that I'm really discontent over,and that's the crying scene.There's this one scene where he turns in to a statue of stone because the collective energy blasts of Mew and Mewtwo made him in to a stone(um where's the science in this?). Then all the Pokemon start crying and the tears bring him back to life.Damn,just damn! How much more cliche can a movie get when tears turn people back from stone to human?Another thing I don't like is Mewtwo erasing the whole journey and experience from Ash's and his friends memory. What.The.Hell. WHY? We spent a good hour or two having that whole hypocritical message of 'fighting is bad' shoved down our throats,and our heroes don't REMEMBER anything!So fighting is ok again with them since they forgot the whole Mewtwo thing? I enjoy this movie even less than the anime. At least in the anime,when they fought Gym Leaders and all,it was all in good conscience.But this movie's message just screws with us all.This movie is below average. OK guys that's my review,what do you guys think of the Pokemon movie(s) and please tell me where I can improve and whether you guys rather the short segment by segment or a whole post dedicated to one subject on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
What the hell this is
This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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