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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
5 movies making up a cinematic universe,BoyReviewer reviews these slightly old treasures
Once again to start off,I must thank you for reading my blog and giving it 358 pageviews! It may sound repetitive and generic bla bla bla but I really appreciate it! Now on the the subject at hand: Yesterday(Friday in Malaysia)The Avengers sequel gets an official release date,which is May 1st 2015. Yes three WHOLE years before a sequel to one of the most successful movie comes out. So what is there to do to kill time? One way I know: This review. I'm going back to as far as 2008 to review the movies leading up to the first Avengers movie.And since there are enough of them,I'm using the Harry Potter approach: short by shorts,starting with Iron Man. IRON MAN: This movie is loads of fun, which I think has much to do with Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark. I don't care what anyone says,RDJ IS Tony Stark as far as I'm concerned.The gripe I have though is that the villian isn't given much screen time.THE INCREDIBLE HULK: It's my least favourite movie that leads up to the Avengers,but that doesn't mean it isn't fun.Edward Norton is great as Bruce Banner,and yes it may sound like a cop out,but I feel he and Mark Ruffalo both did excellent jobs as Bruce Banner.Though in my view you can't compare them: Edward plays the classic Bruce,paranoid,scared and always running away. Mark plays the Bruce who is at peace with the other guy,so he is considerably more calmer.IRON MAN 2: This is better its predecessor in my humble opinion.RDJ is always great,but the villain is given ALOT more screen time and that's a plus already(yes I know Iron Man 1 had to do the origin story,but look at Spiderman and Batman,their villains weren't reduced to having just 10 minutes of screen time). THOR: I was really surprised at how relatable they made the Norse Gods were. I just thought: OK action flick with gods,let's see lots of explosions.But it was a much better flick than I expected it to be.And it has Loki. Gotta love that dude.CAPTAIN AMERICA:This movie has to be the most nerve-racking for the producers.If this failed,everything fails,which is magnified with the movie's title: Captain America,The First Avenger.Luckily it was nice and I liked it,though Captain America's powers aren't really explained,and the love interest feels kinda bleh.My favourite of these five movies are Iron Man 2(come on how can you not like RDJ?) My least favourite is The Incredible Hulk,though I do respect how hard it is to make a Hulk movie. People have been debating on the Avengers vs The Dark Knight trilogy and here's my thoughts on them: I prefer the Dark Knight trilogy. Before any of you click away,please hear me out. The Avengers didn't feel like they were connected.If you don't watch the end-credits scene,each of those movies feel like a standalone.They don't feel like they are telling a continuing storyline or share the same universe(unless your a comic book geek and can spot the cameos)while The Dark Knight trilogy has a beginning,middle and end. Alright guys once again thank you if you managed to read until the end,please tell me where I can improve on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
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