Hello guys and once again I must thank all of you for helping my blog reach its 400th pageview count! Currently its at 407,but I'm happy with 400! Now for Avatar,the one about the awesome controlling elements one,not the blue walking aliens.This one,when I was kid looking for huge and big battles and explosions, I was kinda disappointed. I mean the concept was that they could control water,earth,fire and air ,but there aren't many battles. When I matured a little and actually cared for the plot,I really enjoyed it. It was targeted for kids and yet the stories were really nice,kid or no kid.And when there was a fight,it is awesome,which is expected when fire and air clash against each other.Though the stories themselves are entertaining enough. The show is divided into 3 seasons,and here are the short version of all three of them. The Book of Water:Katara, a fourteen-year-old Waterbender girl, and her brother the fifteen-year-old Sokka, find Aang and Appa in an iceberg. After Aang is revealed to be the Avatar, the three travel to the Northern Water Tribe so that Aang and Katara can learn Waterbending. In route, Aang and friends visit the Southern Air Temple, where Aang discovers the genocide of his people and encounters the spirit of his predecessor Avatar Roku, after which he finds the last winged lemur of the air temples, Momo. Throughout their journey, the trio are pursued by Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Fire Lord Ozai, who seeks to reclaim his honor by capturing the Avatar. Zuko travels with his uncle Iroh, a legendary Fire Nation general and the older brother of Ozai. Competing with Zuko for the Avatar is Commander Zhao, later to become Admiral Zhao, who leads an attack on the Northern Water Tribe. Zhao's rather megalomaniacal attack plans, which include slaying the physical incarnation of the Moon Spirit and wreaking havoc on the entire world, are stopped by Aang and his friends, with assistance from Iroh and Zuko. As such, the Fire Lord orders his daughter Azula to capture Zuko and Iroh, who are now considered traitors to the Fire Nation.The Book of Earth:After leaving the Northern Water Tribe, Aang masters Waterbending under Katara's tutelage. Searching for an Earthbending teacher, the group meets Toph Bei Fong, a twelve-year-old blind Earthbending prodigy, and recruit her as such. Zuko and Iroh, now fugitives from the Fire Nation, attempt to lead new lives in the Earth Kingdom, where Zuko, with the help of his uncle, tries to let go of his troubled past and his obsession with capturing the Avatar. Aang and his friends discover that an upcoming solar eclipse will deprive Firebenders of their Firebending ability, leaving them open to invasion and giving Aang his chance to defeat the Fire Lord; but in learning this Aang's Sky Bison is lost to a group of Sandbenders. Azula and her two friends Mai and Ty Lee pursue the protagonists, who struggle to reach Ba Sing Se, the Earth Kingdom's capital, and tell the Earth King of the eclipse. Disguised as the Kyoshi Island Warriors (disciples of Avatar Kyoshi, who preceded Roku), Azula persuades Ba Sing Se's secret police, the Dai Li, to instigate a revolution, allowing the Fire Nation to capture Ba Sing Se. Both Zuko and Katara are captured during the coup, and though Katara offers him redemption, Zuko sides with his sister. Aang attempts to activate the Avatar State, an act he had formerly avoided because it requires him to let go of his deep romantic love for Katara, but Azula hits him with lightning as he powers up, killing him and removing the Avatar Spirit from the plane of existence. Iroh, very disappointed and sad in Zuko's choices, intercedes, allowing Katara to escape with Aang; she is able to revive him, but he can no longer re-enter the Avatar State, depriving him of one of his strongest and most powerful weapons just as Ba Sing Se, the strongest bulwark against Fire Nation conquest, has fallen.The Book of Fire:Aang recovers from his coma to find his allies disguised as Fire Nation soldiers on a Fire Nation ship (Aang also finds himself possessing a new head of hair), while Zuko has been restored to the position of crown prince and Iroh is imprisoned as a traitor. Sokka has planned a small-scale invasion of the Fire Nation to defeat Fire Lord Ozai, taking advantage of the solar eclipse, staged by various allies encountered in previous episodes. After initial success, the invasion ultimately fails, and only Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and a few others escape. Zuko, now in a change of heart, defies his father and decides to teach Aang Firebending; though it takes a while to make up for a year's worth of dogged pursuit, he eventually manages to prove his change of heart and is adopted wholeheartedly into the Avatar's party.
In the four-part series finale, Aang and his friends confront Fire Lord Ozai, who plans to use the tremendous power and energy of Sozin's Comet to destroy the other nations and rule the world as the Phoenix King. Iroh, after breaking himself out of prison, leads the Order of the White Lotus (an international society of martial-arts masters, including himself and Aang's allies King Bumi, Master Pakku, Master Piandao, and Jeong Jeong) to liberate Ba Sing Se. Sokka, Toph, and Kyoshi Warrior Suki disable the Fire Nation's airships, preventing them from burning down the Earth Kingdom, while Zuko challenges Azula. Initially, Zuko gains the advantage; but when Azula fires a lightning bolt at Katara, Zuko intercepts the bolt to save her, severely injuring himself in the process. Katara then restrains Azula in chains and heals Zuko. Aang, contending with Ozai, is reluctant to kill him, and is able to overcome him by permanently stripping him of his Firebending with an ability called "Energybending". Zuko is crowned the new Fire Lord and, with the help of the Avatar and his friends, begins rebuilding the three nations. After Zuko is crowned, he goes to confront his father in prison and demands the location of his banished mother. The team meets at Iroh's tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon, in Ba Sing Se to celebrate their victory. Aang and Katara embrace in a loving hug and kiss passionately as the sun sets, ending the series.
Now my thoughts on it: There are many characters to love here,so I'll say which ones I like the most: Sokka,the comic relief/smart underrated guy,Uncle Iroh,Zuko's father figure and the viewers funny/wise old guy,Zuko,the guy in the middle of an inner conflict.Even when he betrays his uncle,you just can't help feeling sorry for this guy.Azula,the villain.Technically she wasn't the villain in Book One nor the main villain in the end,but her plans are so devilishly evil I rather her as the main villain. My favourite season is the Book of Earth. Book One(Water) wasn't much,mostly Aang finding a water bending teacher.Book Three(Fire),though had that awesome battle at the end and Zuko finally went to Aang's side,it's mostly Aang learning Fire and waiting for the eclipse whilst running away.Book Two(Earth) had Azula,the greatest villain IMO in the entire series,showed Zuko's inner turmoil which,for some reason I really like,and the Earth Kingdom,Ba Sing Se,wasn't as perfect as it seems.All that fighting between the King and the inner corrupted police was awesome. And ok fine I'll consent to give my views on the movie: It sucks. OK guys thank you if you managed to read so far and thanks once again for helping my blog reach the 400th mark! Tell me what you think of the Avatar series as a whole and where I can improve below or on my Facebook(Send a message,no need to go for the friend request) Twitter(I follow back!) or my Google+(I'm still new to it).
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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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