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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
That's a lot of pokemon adventures sagas for me to cover....
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie reviews, I feel like getting back to the book reviews, or in this special case,a comic series: Pokemon Adventures. Yes technically its a manga translated and yes Pokemon is for kids and stuff and there are many incarnations of the game, but I particularly enjoy this one. Why? Let's find out. First of all,almost all the characters have depth and distinct personalities,which means they are much more enjoyable than the animated series in my humble opinion. Since their are so many sagas to cover,I'll cover the first saga here only: The Red,Blue and Green saga. The protagonist,Red is a young boy with a Poliwhirl and has dreams of becoming one of the greats.He is given a Pokedex and a Bulbasaur by Professor Oak when Professor Oak saw his passion and great affinity with Pokemon.He has a rival,Blue, makes enemies in the form of Team Rocket and a much more deadly rival:Giovanni,leader of Team Rocket.His affinity with Pokemon seems second to none,being able to befriend a Gyrados and Eevee who were tortured under Team Rocket and,perhaps more impressive,a Mewtwo,which was created by Team Rocket.He befriends a couple of people in his journeys,including the gym leaders-Brock,Misty Erika, helps Blaine,a former team-rocket/corrupt gym leader(one of 4,the other 3 being: Lt. Surge,Sabrina and Koga) to become good again,befriends Yellow and,with the help of the good gym leaders and Blue and Green, ultimately defeat Team Rocket and defeat his deadliest rival, Giovanni and win the Pokemon League,triumphing Blue at the climax,though the match was closely watched by a mysterious group of four. That's the main story, now let's get to the characters. Red: Red is a brash but good hearted young boy who jumps into battle without a plan or worry about his safety.He loves Pokemon and can't stand them being subjected to torture. His rival is Blue and they make an effort to show how Blue affects Red's life and vice versa. Indeed,at one point they accidentally switch Pokemon and Pokedex,meaning they have complete access to their rivals thoughts etc. In the end, they both benefit from they rivalry, Professor Oak claiming to see some qualities of Blue in Red and vice versa when watching them in the Pokemon League Final.
.Misty(one of the good gym leaders) is implied to have a crush on Red,but that really doesn't go anywhere. Blue:Blue is the suave,cool-headed guy with a plan,though admittedly he has more training(third saga says more)He doesn't care about attacking weaker pokemon and is very strict with his pokemon.By the end,he learns his errors from Red and becomes a strong,honourable trainer. Green is an interesting character. She was abducted at a young age,trained by a mysterious man(identity revealed in the third saga) and she stole the Pokedex and a Squirtle from Prof.Oak. Her motives were unknown till the League semi-final match,where Prof.Oak manage to tear away her tough façade and see that she was just a little girl trying to get attention,which was why she resorted to stealing.Prof.Oak forgave her and she became good friends with Red and Blue(though Blue,being the suave,cool one of the group,constantly complains about how noisy she is).I like this saga. It establishes each character has their own personalities, Red and Blue make the rival to friend transition perfectly,and Green was an interesting character(though her own saga won't end until the third one). The characters do feel like they improve,get more experienced and actually grow up.Its a great story considering its just following a game for nintendo, OK guys this is my review,thanks for reading and I hope you all will comment on where I can improve! Note: I know you have to make an account to comment on my blog and its very troublesome,so if you want to skip all that trouble,Facebook Message me:
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