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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
Demonata....how DO you pronounce that properly?
Once again,thank you ALL for your 222 pageviews! Means ALOT! Now for this review, its going to be about a book series I like, Demonata,whose author is Darren Shan,notably famous for his Vampire Saga(though the movie sucked,kinda sad really). Demonata has 10 books and it deals with demons and not vampires this time.The story centers and is told from a first person basis by the three main protagonist: Grubitsch "Grubbs" Grady,Cornelius"Kernel"Fleck and Bec Maconn.Though they do meet up at some point in the story,they are at first in seperate timelines. Grubbs in the present day, Kernel in the 1970's and Bec in the ancient time of around 450AD.There are WAY too many stuff to cover,so I'll just cover each of the protagonist debut book.Grubbs witnesses his parents death by a demon called Lord Loss and goes to live with his uncle,Dervish.There he learns he has magic powers.He also learns that he might be a werewolf because his ancestor has bred with a demon before and the result is a werewolf and both his father and sister were werewolves.He finds a friend in Billy(Bill-E),a boy.Bill-E's mother died when he was young and he doesn't know his father,though he suspects Dervish since Dervish has been so persistent to be friends with him.In the end,it is revealed Bill-E is a werewolf and the way to cure him is Lord Loss who challenges humans to chess and battle.They succeed and Bill-E is back to normal,though its revealed he is actually Grubbs brother(Grubbs father had an affair)but Grubbs didn't feel like telling the truth yet)Kernel is a boy who lives in the 1970's and can see invisible magical lights.One day, he used magical lights to open a portal to the realm of the Demonata.After that incident,his parents move them all to another town.After one year,his brother,Art was captured by a demon.So he goes to the realm of the Demonata and on his journey he meets up with a group of magicians called the Disciples led by Barnabus.Barnabus wants to chase the demon who captured Art because he suspects that demon knows something about an ancient weapon called the Kah-Gash) In the end,Kernel finds his brother in Lord Loss's realm.It is revealed that Art is Lord Loss's minion,Artery.When Kernel opened the portal,he accidentally stole Art and,desperate for a friend,altered his face and made Artery 'Art'.In the end,he gave Artery back to Lord Loss and finds out he has a piece of the Kah-Gash(one of three) and decides to go with Barnabus.Bec is a girl who lived in the 400AD. She was on a quest to close a tunnel of magic(which the demons could use to come through in hordes).On her journey,she found a friend in Bran(who,in the future,will come to be the legendary magician Barnabus),met Old Creatures(magical ancient beings) and fought Lord Loss(subsequently stealing the piece of Kah-Gash inside him,making herself a piece)In the end she was trapped underground for a few centuries before rising again in Grubbs time.(Note:she is one of Grubbs ancestors,though even in her time,her clan was inflicted with the werewolf curse). That's it,the story of book 1(Grubbs) book 2(Kernel) and book 4(Bec).I love this Demonata saga and I honestly can't say if I prefer this one of the Vampire Saga(both by Darren Shan).The Vampire Saga will have a special place in my heart since it made my want to read serial books(after this,I went straight to Harry Potter).But I love sagas that have more than one protagonist and have their characters and storyline interwine with each other.So its a great saga and you guys should DEFINITELY give it a try.That's my review this time and hopefully you all will comment on where I can improve.For those without Blogger accounts,comment on my Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
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