OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it that way.So before we start I have to say thank you all again for helping me reach 447 pageviews! Let's get to the meat of the matter: The X-Men movies. Like always,I'll give all those who didn't watch the movies a shortened plot for all 5 movies and have my thoughts on it at the end. So let's start off with a jumpbreak!
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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
Dragonball I understand but what the hell does Z and GT stand for?
Some time later, a group of androids from the former Red Ribbon Army appear, seeking revenge against Goku. Vegeta has unlocked Super Saiyan during the battles with the androids. During this time, an evil life form called Cell emerges and, after absorbing two of the androids to achieve his "perfect form," holds his own fighting tournament to decide the fate of the Earth entitled the Cell Games. However, Cell is eventually defeated by Goku's son Gohan in a desperate Kamehameha wave struggle,Gohan managing to become Super Saiyan 2. Seven years later, Goku has a second son named Goten and Vegeta has married Bulma and also has an heir named Trunks.Peace doesn't last though as Goku and his allies are drawn into yet another battle for the universe against a magical being named Majin Buu.During this entire saga,Goku reaches Super Saiyan 3 form,Vegeta Super Saiyan 2,Gohan reaching Ultimate form(thanks to some spirit unlocking his hidden power or whatever)Goten and Trunks reaching Super Saiyan,even though both of them are only eight and nine. After numerous battles, Goku destroys Buu with his ultimate attack; the Spirit Bomb. Ten years later, at another World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku meets Buu's human reincarnation, Uub. Leaving the match between the two of them unfinished, Goku takes Uub away on a journey to train him. If the series had ended here,I wouldn't mind,especially since the manga DID end here.However,being so popular,the production crew for Dragonball decided to make it's own little spin-off call Dragonball GT(red for Super Saiyan 4) DRAGONBALL GT: Dragonball GT is ten years after Dragonball Z. Gohan is married to a girl named Videl,has a daughter named Pan. Goten is around high-school age and is constantly dating girls while Trunks is now the boss of his mother's business empire. Goku has been away training with Uub. The series reintroduces Pilaf for a while and introduces a new set of Dragonballs named the black star Dragonballs. Pilaf accidentally uses them to wish Goku back to being a kid. The black star dragonballs scatter around the universe and Goku,Trunks and Pan have to search the universe for them because if they don't,in one year's time,the Earth will explode.During their adventures they encounter many adversaries,most dangerous one being Baby,a created Truffle who can take control of other sentient beings.When they get back from their adventure,Goku,Trunks and Pan find out that Baby has taken control of everyone on Earth.Goku beats him in the end,unlocking a Super Saiyan 4 form.Next is Super 17 Saga,where Dr Gero recreated android 17 and made a new one an had them fuse to become a stronger being.Goku in the end beats him, and decides to use the dragonballs to revive everyone who died.However the Dragonballs were lately being used too much and had too much energy inside it so it spawned 7 evil dragons.Goku goes on a journey and beats all of them. At the end,Goku goes off with Shenron,leaving the fate of the Earth to his friends.
Now for my thoughts on the entire Dragonball legacy: The Dragonball series was great,Dragonball Z I liked it more and Dragonball GT was not that bad too. I have no idea why every one hates the Dragonball GT series so much. Just because it didn't come from the manga,it's most probably a money-squeeze by the production companies,it had the least episodes,Goku is a kid again....OK I can kinda see their point. But it's not that bad.I think it wants to be closer to the Dragonball series. Let's take a step back: Dragonball was about martial arts and the Dragonballs.Almost every arc was surrounding the search for the Dragonballs. Dragonball Z was almost never like that.Sure the Saiyan Saga and Frieza Saga was,but the Android,Cell,Majin Boo and Kid Boo saga,the Dragonballs took a back seat for the flashy Saiyan hair. Dragonball GT,the search for the black star balls were a more higher level of chase for the Dragonballs.Then there was that whole 7 evil dragons thing,again it surrounds the Dragonballs. Don't misinterpret me,I enjoy the Dragonball Z series a lot too,but I'm just pointing out that Dragonball GT isn't that bad and despite NOT coming directly from Akira Toriyama(the author for Dragonball)the production company still tried to make surround it around the Dragonballs. I felt that the first anime series was about martial arts and a little Kamehameha. The Dragonball Z series was about Super Saiyan's,Kamehamehas and a little martial arts.It's hard to say which one I prefer more,though Super Saiyan 2's design is kinda disappointing.Another thing I didn't really like about Dragonball Z was the power levels.When it started,it was ok,like over 9000 and stuff.But during the Frieza saga,he's power level is over millions,and don't forget Super Saiyan 1,2 and 3 to amplify it so much more.Its kinda ridiculous especially when the villain's can match you. Though the stories were nicer and I especially loved the time-travelling during Android Saga. Dragonball was ok but I felt at times it kinda dragged and the villains weren't much or menacing save for Piccolo. OK guys that's my review on the Dragonball series,what do you guys think of the series as a whole?Do you agree with my evaluations or disagree?You can tell me what you think and where I can improve by commenting below or on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
How arrogant is it to call your first movie: Pokemon,The FIRST movie?
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie of Pokemon. It's actually titled Pokemon,The First Movie. Really? How arrogant is it? It's like they purposely labelled it that because they were certain they'd make a crap ton of sequels(they did,but that's beside the point). I'll admit,growing up,I wasn't much of a fan of the anime. More of a Power Rangers/Dragonball fan. Now I'm a huge fan of the Pokemon Adventures manga series written by Hidenori Kusaka.I even reviewed the first saga of the story(Red,Blue,Green Saga) right here. But the anime? I'm still not a huge fan. I mean Ash,Brock and Misty have no defining qualities which I can see. Ash maybe,he wants to conquer the Pokemon world or something,but Brock and Misty? They're more like his loyal servants than friends.And is Ash suppose to have a crush on Misty or something? I even disliked it more when,first Misty then Brock left the show.Yeah they're uninteresting but why replace them? We at least feel more emotionally attached to them than their replacements anyway. But I'm not here to comment on the anime,I'm here to talk about Pokemon,The First Movie.My previous blogs had a few segments to it so it was easier to skip to the things you want to read.If you already know the plot or watched the movie,scroll to the end to read my thoughts on it! Here's the plot of Pokemon,The First Movie:The Pokémon Mewtwo was created in an island laboratory from the DNA of Mew, a rare Pokémon believed to be extinct, recovered from fossilized remains. Displeased with the concept of being nothing more than a mere lab experiment, Mewtwo destroys the laboratory. Shortly afterward, he meets Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, who proposes a partnership with the Pokémon in exchange of helping it control its powers. Mewtwo is "trained" over the next few months, being pitted against challengers in Giovanni's gym and restraining Pokémon for Team Rocket to capture. Mewtwo eventually realizes that Giovanni is merely using him as a tool and destroys his headquarters. Mewtwo flies back to the island where it was created and begins plotting revenge against humanity. Meanwhile, Ash Ketchum and his friends Misty, Brock, Pikachu, and all their Pokémon companions receive an invitation to a party hosted by the world's "greatest Pokémon Master" on New Island. Ash and his friends are excited and rush to the docks in an attempt to catch a boat to New Island, but a storm is mysteriously formed and all boat rides to the island are canceled. Undeterred, several trainers make their way out to the island by riding their Pokémon, though neither Ash nor his friends have any Pokémon of their own that can help them safely navigate the stormy sea. In their latest plot to steal rare Pokémon, Team Rocket offers the trio a lift to the island, disguised as a pair of Vikings, but their small wooden boat is destroyed by a wave. Ash and his friends manage to reach the island with their aquatic Pokémon, and are escorted inside the palace on the island. Mewtwo reveals itself to Ash, his friends, and three other trainers who braved the storm battle as the "World's Greatest Pokémon Master," and that it had created the storm with its powers to test the trainers' wills. After being berated by Mewtwo for the relationships they share with their Pokémon, Ash and some of the other trainers challenge Mewtwo after witnessing Mewtwo's confession of having kidnapped Nurse Joy for his own personal purposes, the trainers pit their Pokémon against clones of Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. The clones easily defeat the trainers' Pokémon. Mewtwo proceeds to steal all the Pokémon present, including Ash's Pikachu, with a special set of Poké Balls. Ash pursues his Pokémon as they are taken deep into a cloning facility on the island and rescues them while they are being cloned. The clones join with Mewtwo and the cloning machine explodes, releasing all the captured Pokémon. Mewtwo announces its intentions to overthrow humanity with its army of Pokémon and rule the world. Enraged, Ash lashes out at Mewtwo, who repels and blasts him away with its psychic powers. Ash is saved by Mew, the rare, playful Pokémon having appeared periodically before, who is engaged by Mewtwo. A brutal battle between the trainers' Pokémon and their clones erupts, although Pikachu refuses to fight with its own clone (Meowth's clone also seems to refuse to fight, causing the original Meowth to ponder on what the two sides have in common).The trainers are unable to bear this senseless violence, even while the two sides grow fatigued and Mew and Mewtwo continue fighting. In an attempt to put an end to the ordeal, Mew and Mewtwo sum up all their remaining powers for one final duel. As they open fire however, Ash runs to the center of the arena in a brave but desperate attempt to stop the fight. Ash is turned into stone in the attack, and he collapses in the center of the arena. Pikachu runs to the side of its now-deceased trainer. After trying to get him off the floor, Pikachu attempts again using Thunderbolt, but in vain. In its grief, Pikachu starts crying for its fallen master, the other Pokémon in the arena doing the same. The tears reach Ash, their mystical healing powers reviving him. As everyone rejoices, Mewtwo, taken aback by Ash's act of selflessness to save all the Pokémon, has an epiphany over the relationship between humans and Pokémon, and realizes that the circumstances of how one is born should not be allowed to divide anyone. It leaves the island with Mew and the cloned Pokémon, erasing everyone else's memory of the horrifying incident, knowing it is for the best. Ash and his friends find themselves back on the docks with no idea how they got there. Ash looks up to the sky and spots Mew flying past, and recounts to his friends how he saw a rare Pokémon on the first day of his journey.
My thoughts on it: This movie is...ok in my opinion,I think it could even slide to the lower end of the scale. It really wasn't that engaging. I think it's because I can't place my finger on why their message is 'fighting is bad'. Seriously? That's the message a POKEMON movie is trying to convey? The message 'fighting is bad' is coming from Pokemon,a series which profited FROM kids using pocket monsters as their slaves to fight other pocket monsters for money and glory etc. It's just REALLY hypocritical of them to say fighting's bad when the whole premise of the game and anime is TO fight and level up.Another thing is Mew. Is he supposed to be retarded in the movie? I haven't seen much episodes of the anime,so I don't know what he's like in the series,but in the manga and game,he doesn't act like a complete idiot.All he does is bounce around.It's also chockful of cliche's,or at least one that I'm really discontent over,and that's the crying scene.There's this one scene where he turns in to a statue of stone because the collective energy blasts of Mew and Mewtwo made him in to a stone(um where's the science in this?). Then all the Pokemon start crying and the tears bring him back to life.Damn,just damn! How much more cliche can a movie get when tears turn people back from stone to human?Another thing I don't like is Mewtwo erasing the whole journey and experience from Ash's and his friends memory. What.The.Hell. WHY? We spent a good hour or two having that whole hypocritical message of 'fighting is bad' shoved down our throats,and our heroes don't REMEMBER anything!So fighting is ok again with them since they forgot the whole Mewtwo thing? I enjoy this movie even less than the anime. At least in the anime,when they fought Gym Leaders and all,it was all in good conscience.But this movie's message just screws with us all.This movie is below average. OK guys that's my review,what do you guys think of the Pokemon movie(s) and please tell me where I can improve and whether you guys rather the short segment by segment or a whole post dedicated to one subject on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
My thoughts on it: This movie is...ok in my opinion,I think it could even slide to the lower end of the scale. It really wasn't that engaging. I think it's because I can't place my finger on why their message is 'fighting is bad'. Seriously? That's the message a POKEMON movie is trying to convey? The message 'fighting is bad' is coming from Pokemon,a series which profited FROM kids using pocket monsters as their slaves to fight other pocket monsters for money and glory etc. It's just REALLY hypocritical of them to say fighting's bad when the whole premise of the game and anime is TO fight and level up.Another thing is Mew. Is he supposed to be retarded in the movie? I haven't seen much episodes of the anime,so I don't know what he's like in the series,but in the manga and game,he doesn't act like a complete idiot.All he does is bounce around.It's also chockful of cliche's,or at least one that I'm really discontent over,and that's the crying scene.There's this one scene where he turns in to a statue of stone because the collective energy blasts of Mew and Mewtwo made him in to a stone(um where's the science in this?). Then all the Pokemon start crying and the tears bring him back to life.Damn,just damn! How much more cliche can a movie get when tears turn people back from stone to human?Another thing I don't like is Mewtwo erasing the whole journey and experience from Ash's and his friends memory. What.The.Hell. WHY? We spent a good hour or two having that whole hypocritical message of 'fighting is bad' shoved down our throats,and our heroes don't REMEMBER anything!So fighting is ok again with them since they forgot the whole Mewtwo thing? I enjoy this movie even less than the anime. At least in the anime,when they fought Gym Leaders and all,it was all in good conscience.But this movie's message just screws with us all.This movie is below average. OK guys that's my review,what do you guys think of the Pokemon movie(s) and please tell me where I can improve and whether you guys rather the short segment by segment or a whole post dedicated to one subject on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
Avatar: Legend of Airbender also known as The Last Aang..wait
Hello guys and once again I must thank all of you for helping my blog reach its 400th pageview count! Currently its at 407,but I'm happy with 400! Now for Avatar,the one about the awesome controlling elements one,not the blue walking aliens.This one,when I was kid looking for huge and big battles and explosions, I was kinda disappointed. I mean the concept was that they could control water,earth,fire and air ,but there aren't many battles. When I matured a little and actually cared for the plot,I really enjoyed it. It was targeted for kids and yet the stories were really nice,kid or no kid.And when there was a fight,it is awesome,which is expected when fire and air clash against each other.Though the stories themselves are entertaining enough. The show is divided into 3 seasons,and here are the short version of all three of them. The Book of Water:Katara, a fourteen-year-old Waterbender girl, and her brother the fifteen-year-old Sokka, find Aang and Appa in an iceberg. After Aang is revealed to be the Avatar, the three travel to the Northern Water Tribe so that Aang and Katara can learn Waterbending. In route, Aang and friends visit the Southern Air Temple, where Aang discovers the genocide of his people and encounters the spirit of his predecessor Avatar Roku, after which he finds the last winged lemur of the air temples, Momo. Throughout their journey, the trio are pursued by Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Fire Lord Ozai, who seeks to reclaim his honor by capturing the Avatar. Zuko travels with his uncle Iroh, a legendary Fire Nation general and the older brother of Ozai. Competing with Zuko for the Avatar is Commander Zhao, later to become Admiral Zhao, who leads an attack on the Northern Water Tribe. Zhao's rather megalomaniacal attack plans, which include slaying the physical incarnation of the Moon Spirit and wreaking havoc on the entire world, are stopped by Aang and his friends, with assistance from Iroh and Zuko. As such, the Fire Lord orders his daughter Azula to capture Zuko and Iroh, who are now considered traitors to the Fire Nation.The Book of Earth:After leaving the Northern Water Tribe, Aang masters Waterbending under Katara's tutelage. Searching for an Earthbending teacher, the group meets Toph Bei Fong, a twelve-year-old blind Earthbending prodigy, and recruit her as such. Zuko and Iroh, now fugitives from the Fire Nation, attempt to lead new lives in the Earth Kingdom, where Zuko, with the help of his uncle, tries to let go of his troubled past and his obsession with capturing the Avatar. Aang and his friends discover that an upcoming solar eclipse will deprive Firebenders of their Firebending ability, leaving them open to invasion and giving Aang his chance to defeat the Fire Lord; but in learning this Aang's Sky Bison is lost to a group of Sandbenders. Azula and her two friends Mai and Ty Lee pursue the protagonists, who struggle to reach Ba Sing Se, the Earth Kingdom's capital, and tell the Earth King of the eclipse. Disguised as the Kyoshi Island Warriors (disciples of Avatar Kyoshi, who preceded Roku), Azula persuades Ba Sing Se's secret police, the Dai Li, to instigate a revolution, allowing the Fire Nation to capture Ba Sing Se. Both Zuko and Katara are captured during the coup, and though Katara offers him redemption, Zuko sides with his sister. Aang attempts to activate the Avatar State, an act he had formerly avoided because it requires him to let go of his deep romantic love for Katara, but Azula hits him with lightning as he powers up, killing him and removing the Avatar Spirit from the plane of existence. Iroh, very disappointed and sad in Zuko's choices, intercedes, allowing Katara to escape with Aang; she is able to revive him, but he can no longer re-enter the Avatar State, depriving him of one of his strongest and most powerful weapons just as Ba Sing Se, the strongest bulwark against Fire Nation conquest, has fallen.The Book of Fire:Aang recovers from his coma to find his allies disguised as Fire Nation soldiers on a Fire Nation ship (Aang also finds himself possessing a new head of hair), while Zuko has been restored to the position of crown prince and Iroh is imprisoned as a traitor. Sokka has planned a small-scale invasion of the Fire Nation to defeat Fire Lord Ozai, taking advantage of the solar eclipse, staged by various allies encountered in previous episodes. After initial success, the invasion ultimately fails, and only Aang, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and a few others escape. Zuko, now in a change of heart, defies his father and decides to teach Aang Firebending; though it takes a while to make up for a year's worth of dogged pursuit, he eventually manages to prove his change of heart and is adopted wholeheartedly into the Avatar's party.
In the four-part series finale, Aang and his friends confront Fire Lord Ozai, who plans to use the tremendous power and energy of Sozin's Comet to destroy the other nations and rule the world as the Phoenix King. Iroh, after breaking himself out of prison, leads the Order of the White Lotus (an international society of martial-arts masters, including himself and Aang's allies King Bumi, Master Pakku, Master Piandao, and Jeong Jeong) to liberate Ba Sing Se. Sokka, Toph, and Kyoshi Warrior Suki disable the Fire Nation's airships, preventing them from burning down the Earth Kingdom, while Zuko challenges Azula. Initially, Zuko gains the advantage; but when Azula fires a lightning bolt at Katara, Zuko intercepts the bolt to save her, severely injuring himself in the process. Katara then restrains Azula in chains and heals Zuko. Aang, contending with Ozai, is reluctant to kill him, and is able to overcome him by permanently stripping him of his Firebending with an ability called "Energybending". Zuko is crowned the new Fire Lord and, with the help of the Avatar and his friends, begins rebuilding the three nations. After Zuko is crowned, he goes to confront his father in prison and demands the location of his banished mother. The team meets at Iroh's tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon, in Ba Sing Se to celebrate their victory. Aang and Katara embrace in a loving hug and kiss passionately as the sun sets, ending the series.
Now my thoughts on it: There are many characters to love here,so I'll say which ones I like the most: Sokka,the comic relief/smart underrated guy,Uncle Iroh,Zuko's father figure and the viewers funny/wise old guy,Zuko,the guy in the middle of an inner conflict.Even when he betrays his uncle,you just can't help feeling sorry for this guy.Azula,the villain.Technically she wasn't the villain in Book One nor the main villain in the end,but her plans are so devilishly evil I rather her as the main villain. My favourite season is the Book of Earth. Book One(Water) wasn't much,mostly Aang finding a water bending teacher.Book Three(Fire),though had that awesome battle at the end and Zuko finally went to Aang's side,it's mostly Aang learning Fire and waiting for the eclipse whilst running away.Book Two(Earth) had Azula,the greatest villain IMO in the entire series,showed Zuko's inner turmoil which,for some reason I really like,and the Earth Kingdom,Ba Sing Se,wasn't as perfect as it seems.All that fighting between the King and the inner corrupted police was awesome. And ok fine I'll consent to give my views on the movie: It sucks. OK guys thank you if you managed to read so far and thanks once again for helping my blog reach the 400th mark! Tell me what you think of the Avatar series as a whole and where I can improve below or on my Facebook(Send a message,no need to go for the friend request) Twitter(I follow back!) or my Google+(I'm still new to it).
In the four-part series finale, Aang and his friends confront Fire Lord Ozai, who plans to use the tremendous power and energy of Sozin's Comet to destroy the other nations and rule the world as the Phoenix King. Iroh, after breaking himself out of prison, leads the Order of the White Lotus (an international society of martial-arts masters, including himself and Aang's allies King Bumi, Master Pakku, Master Piandao, and Jeong Jeong) to liberate Ba Sing Se. Sokka, Toph, and Kyoshi Warrior Suki disable the Fire Nation's airships, preventing them from burning down the Earth Kingdom, while Zuko challenges Azula. Initially, Zuko gains the advantage; but when Azula fires a lightning bolt at Katara, Zuko intercepts the bolt to save her, severely injuring himself in the process. Katara then restrains Azula in chains and heals Zuko. Aang, contending with Ozai, is reluctant to kill him, and is able to overcome him by permanently stripping him of his Firebending with an ability called "Energybending". Zuko is crowned the new Fire Lord and, with the help of the Avatar and his friends, begins rebuilding the three nations. After Zuko is crowned, he goes to confront his father in prison and demands the location of his banished mother. The team meets at Iroh's tea shop, the Jasmine Dragon, in Ba Sing Se to celebrate their victory. Aang and Katara embrace in a loving hug and kiss passionately as the sun sets, ending the series.
Now my thoughts on it: There are many characters to love here,so I'll say which ones I like the most: Sokka,the comic relief/smart underrated guy,Uncle Iroh,Zuko's father figure and the viewers funny/wise old guy,Zuko,the guy in the middle of an inner conflict.Even when he betrays his uncle,you just can't help feeling sorry for this guy.Azula,the villain.Technically she wasn't the villain in Book One nor the main villain in the end,but her plans are so devilishly evil I rather her as the main villain. My favourite season is the Book of Earth. Book One(Water) wasn't much,mostly Aang finding a water bending teacher.Book Three(Fire),though had that awesome battle at the end and Zuko finally went to Aang's side,it's mostly Aang learning Fire and waiting for the eclipse whilst running away.Book Two(Earth) had Azula,the greatest villain IMO in the entire series,showed Zuko's inner turmoil which,for some reason I really like,and the Earth Kingdom,Ba Sing Se,wasn't as perfect as it seems.All that fighting between the King and the inner corrupted police was awesome. And ok fine I'll consent to give my views on the movie: It sucks. OK guys thank you if you managed to read so far and thanks once again for helping my blog reach the 400th mark! Tell me what you think of the Avatar series as a whole and where I can improve below or on my Facebook(Send a message,no need to go for the friend request) Twitter(I follow back!) or my Google+(I'm still new to it).
The Dark Knight trilogy even though the first one's name doesn't have the word Dark Knight in it.
Hey all! Thank you all again for helping my blog reach 399 pageviews! So close to the 400 milestone! Now I've just finished watching the The Dark Knight Rises for the third time in IMAX so I can review the entire trilogy right now.For all those who are sick of my superhero fanblogs,don't worry my next post is probably not going to be about superheroes anymore.It's just that I'm a huge fan of Batman so I can't pass this up.No colour coding words for Batman because he's simply too awesome(and he's always wearing black). BATMAN BEGINS: Alright so after the train-crap wreck that was the Batman and Robin(I reviewed it already,check it out!) Christopher Nolan gave the Batman franchise CPR.He made the Batman awesome again. I loved how they showed his parents died and how he trained before becoming Batman(a good chunk of about 40 minutes before he puts on the cape and cowl).It even is believable on how and why Bruce became Batman.How : He's a billionaire. If I had that much money,of course I would buy a Batsuit and car.Why : He's an angry rich kid and if he doesn't have an outlet for his anger,he might go insane. This movie is great,and its helped that they never did the origin story before(the previous films had glimpses,and not a full blown story arc.)The main villain is Ra's al Ghul,NOT Scarecrow.Which is my only complaint,the Scarecrow isn't used much.And when he finally gets on his horse and goes around terrorizing people,Rachel blasts him with a tazer and that's the end of him.THE DARK KNIGHT: This movie is heralded as the Jesus of superhero movies,the genre changer,the movie of the gods.Like the mainstream audience,I do enjoy this film.Its great,Joker's great,and I don't think I have to say much since the whole world already praises it enough. I do have to say,like the Scarecrow,Harvey Two-Face isn't used much.He becomes evil,does stuff and leaves.I like his character,how he changed from the White Knight to child-killer.Joker was great too,making Batman seem kinda useless,not being able to save Rachel or Harvey, and,to an extent,himself since the whole of Gotham thinks he's evil,but I understand,to quote Joker,that Batman and Joker's relationship is like :When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Before I delve into the third and final movie,I do have to warn you that its a spoiler review,so fair warning. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES: It's set 8 years and Batman's been branded the killer of Harvey. Only Gordon,Alfred and Lucius knows the truth.It's also a good movie,a good end to a legendary trilogy on the Dark Knight. The villain is Bane at first and I wished they kept it that way.Though I enjoyed the twist,it kinda makes Bane just a mercenary taking orders.The twist however further reinforces Ra's al Ghul in Batman lore.Batman also isn't used much,though I don't really care since its a Bruce Wayne story( I do have to admit I got chills when I saw Batman in the Dark Knight Rises for the first time when everyone in the movie kept hyping on how he was gone for 8 years). The brawl between Batman and Bane is awesome! Especially since under Christopher Nolan's realistic vision,there are not many brawls.I do have to say that Scarecrow is,again,underused.His cameo was weak and if he wasn't in it,nothing would change at all.But I suppose there's nothing more for his character and its cool to just have him there,bringing all the previous characters from the trilogy to the final film feels like its bringing it full circle.Robin and Catwoman was cool though. I can't and won't compare this to the other two,especially the Dark Knight since everyone else is doing it for me.I will say this though,they have distinct differences in pacing and all. The Dark Knight's every scene is breath taking and the pacing is insanely fast,where you can hardly come up for a breath of fresh air.In the Dark Knight Rises,you get the feeling that every scene is leading up to a climax.Everything is building to the end. OK guys so that's my review on the trilogy,what do you guys think of the trilogy as a whole? Comment on that and tell me where I can improve below or on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
Tap-dancing spiderman....no wonder it got rebooted
Thank you all for your very generous 371 pageviews!! If you really like it,please spread the word,and if you have something to spread,I'll try my best to help you too! Now usually I update my blog like at the end of the week,but since its the holidays and I have much more free time,I decide to try to update it every two days,so look out for it! Now for the subject at hand: Spiderman. Yes,the man in the spider suit,the guy we can look up to,the hero of all the geeks and nerds out there,the one we grew up with very fond memories of...has been rebooted.I'll admit I kinda enjoyed the Raimi trilogy(even the third one) but it is cheesy and not really meant to be taken seriously. Its more of a fun popcorn flick than anything else. Now the reboot,The Amazing Spiderman,has taken much praise and much flak.Most people say its hit or miss.I personally enjoy the darker tone they're going with it.People complained that not everything has to be like The Dark Knight,and I agree,but Spiderman already has been in the cheesy route and now I'm glad he's in the more serious tones.Which one's my favourite? I myself have a hard time choosing. Maybe you guys can help me choose. Spiderman: This film came out in 2002. It's great fun but cheesy. The CGI can be spotted a mile away.Tobey does a great job as the quiet loser/nerd,but doesn't really sell the cocky,joke sprouting Spiderman(Seriously,there's one line in the movie where he says "Its you who's out,Gobey.Out of your mind")I also didn't feel any connection to Uncle Ben and his death,he's just the generic shining father figure.I'd say its a fun time but not the stuff of legends.Spiderman 2: In my opinion,this movie is much better than its predecessor. It shows Peter dealing with his double life,his trouble to keep up with his studies,earning money for his aunt and his strained relationship with his best friend. I like seeing him lose his powers then at the end of the day he realises his true destiny is to be Spiderman(that train scene was the best).The flaws are the villains. Note my use of villain as a plural. Its the claws of Doctor Octopus that are evil,not the man himself. Seriously? They did that whole double personalities thing with the Green Goblin already,why do it again? CGI isn't much improved either and Mary Jane is still kinda annoying(though not as much as in the next one). Spiderman 3: This is the one which everyone criticizes. Its the worst of the worst they say. I don't really hate it as much. Its not as good as the other,but I can still bear and sometimes enjoy it.The flaws are very apparent,so I'll try to state the pro's: The CGI's much improved,that battle with the Venom was enjoyable,Spiderman looked real cool in the black suit and err..that's it.Before I go into the reboot,I have one main problem with the trilogy as a whole: It did not feel ANYTHING like a trilogy.Yes it show Peter growing up,but there's no overarching storyline,nothing that feeds one movie into the other at all. The Amazing Spiderman: This movie is said to be darker and etc. I don't really feel it being super real or mature, what I do feel is taking the old Spiderman and taking the cheesiness out of it. Its serious but not realistic(of course,how could you make a man with Spider power realistic?) This movie is better than the first and third movie definitely. Second movie,I don't think I can decide yet. They did a really good job of Spiderman,he's funny,witty and sarcastic. Andrew Garfield,in my opinion,is better and a much more likeable Peter Parker than Tobey Maguire ever was. Don't misinterpret me,Tobey wasn't bad,its just Andrew was better.The drawback is again the villain. Though its never said,its implied that he has dual personalities which Spiderman movies always have fetishes for. Flash and Peter's friendship at the end is just WAY too forced and not believable at all. OK guys so that's the end of my review,what do you guys think of the Spiderman movies as a whole and which Peter Parker/Spiderman do you prefer? Comment on that and tell me where I can improve on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
5 movies making up a cinematic universe,BoyReviewer reviews these slightly old treasures
Once again to start off,I must thank you for reading my blog and giving it 358 pageviews! It may sound repetitive and generic bla bla bla but I really appreciate it! Now on the the subject at hand: Yesterday(Friday in Malaysia)The Avengers sequel gets an official release date,which is May 1st 2015. Yes three WHOLE years before a sequel to one of the most successful movie comes out. So what is there to do to kill time? One way I know: This review. I'm going back to as far as 2008 to review the movies leading up to the first Avengers movie.And since there are enough of them,I'm using the Harry Potter approach: short by shorts,starting with Iron Man. IRON MAN: This movie is loads of fun, which I think has much to do with Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark. I don't care what anyone says,RDJ IS Tony Stark as far as I'm concerned.The gripe I have though is that the villian isn't given much screen time.THE INCREDIBLE HULK: It's my least favourite movie that leads up to the Avengers,but that doesn't mean it isn't fun.Edward Norton is great as Bruce Banner,and yes it may sound like a cop out,but I feel he and Mark Ruffalo both did excellent jobs as Bruce Banner.Though in my view you can't compare them: Edward plays the classic Bruce,paranoid,scared and always running away. Mark plays the Bruce who is at peace with the other guy,so he is considerably more calmer.IRON MAN 2: This is better its predecessor in my humble opinion.RDJ is always great,but the villain is given ALOT more screen time and that's a plus already(yes I know Iron Man 1 had to do the origin story,but look at Spiderman and Batman,their villains weren't reduced to having just 10 minutes of screen time). THOR: I was really surprised at how relatable they made the Norse Gods were. I just thought: OK action flick with gods,let's see lots of explosions.But it was a much better flick than I expected it to be.And it has Loki. Gotta love that dude.CAPTAIN AMERICA:This movie has to be the most nerve-racking for the producers.If this failed,everything fails,which is magnified with the movie's title: Captain America,The First Avenger.Luckily it was nice and I liked it,though Captain America's powers aren't really explained,and the love interest feels kinda bleh.My favourite of these five movies are Iron Man 2(come on how can you not like RDJ?) My least favourite is The Incredible Hulk,though I do respect how hard it is to make a Hulk movie. People have been debating on the Avengers vs The Dark Knight trilogy and here's my thoughts on them: I prefer the Dark Knight trilogy. Before any of you click away,please hear me out. The Avengers didn't feel like they were connected.If you don't watch the end-credits scene,each of those movies feel like a standalone.They don't feel like they are telling a continuing storyline or share the same universe(unless your a comic book geek and can spot the cameos)while The Dark Knight trilogy has a beginning,middle and end. Alright guys once again thank you if you managed to read until the end,please tell me where I can improve on my Facebook,Twitter or Google+.
Did they do justice to my favourite vampire books:Darren Shan the Vampire Saga? A BIG NO
Thank you all for your much appreciated 333 pageviews! Now I've noticed that all my reviews till now have been more or less appraising. So now,I want to rip the hell out of something I dearly hate,so fair warning,this is going to be a long rant on a movie I wholeheartedly dislike: The Vampire's Assistant.The Vampire's Assistant is a book to movie adaptation from a series of vampire books: Darren Shan:The Vampire Saga. First off,I'd like to say I'm a HUGE fan of the books, my cousin introduced the books and I enjoyed it,so when the movie was produced,I was naturally curious.It sucks,ALOT. Let's touch upon the acting: Chris Massoglia who plays Darren is horrible.His voice sounds like he has a cold the whole time and he doesn't really sell any of his lines.The actor made me hate the character. Mr Crepsley,Mr Tiny and Mr Tall all look stupid and don't look AT ALL like their book counterparts.Even their manners and personalities are screwed. Especially Mr Crepsley,in the books, he's supposed to be quiet,mysterious but in this movie,he makes unfunny jokes and has a sarcastic manner. He is even shown to have an interest in Madame Truska,which never happened.WHY? When making a book to movie adaptation,please stick close to the source material! Mr Tiny is shown to have sided with the vampaneze and even talks to Steve directly.To top it off,he is shown to be best friends with Murlaugh.When in the books,it is shown he portrays the image of a man who doesn't side anyone and is shown to be working in the shadows..STICK TO THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Evra,who is Darren's best friend in the book,is annoying in the movie. He spends all his screen time playing the drums,which,in the books,NEVER happened.The movie also feels the need to torture us some more by screwing the simplest of things. One of which is the Little People.The Little People are human-sized and DON'T TALK AT ALL(except for one).Yet in the movie they are tiny little troll midgets who grunt and scream all the time!They even mess up the GENDER of a member of the Cirque Du Freak. In the books,Cormac Limbs is a guy who can regrow limbs,NOT a WOMAN!!! It may seem like nitpicking,but its not. Its a movie to book adaptation and they can't even get the gender right.Darren's love interest is a performing freak at the Cirque Du Freak named Rebbeca who is a half human/monkey hybrid.She's ok...except she doesn't freaking exist! Yes the movie doesn't just screw up the characters in the books,they needlessly add a few. GOD DAMN THIS MOVIE SUCKS! As a huge fan of the books,this movie sucks even more.I have only watched it once so I'm sure there are ALOT more things this movie screws up that I haven't noticed. But I did take a step back and wondered what it would be like for a person who doesn't read the books: All I can say is, it still(for want of a better word)SUCKS MAJOR BALLS!Seriously I could not see what one would like except for an alternative to the Twilight movies,which is not saying much.Funnily enough,the character that annoyed me the least was Steve,Darren's former best friend turned vampaneze who was portrayed by Josh Hutcherson.His acting was not THAT bad and his character felt sympathetic,which I guess is not that far off from the books since he did start out as a sympathetic character what with his screwed up life. In the end I would not recommend this movie to anyone especially true fans of the books. Thank you all if you managed to sit thorough me ranting till this far,hopefully you all will tell me where I can improve by sending me a message on my Facebook, Tweet me @ my Twitter or Google+ me.
The Team....really? That's the best name they got for a team?
To start off,I'd like to again thank you ALL for your much appreciated 265 pageviews! Now,I have gotten some complaints that my blogs are getting way too long to keep you guys interested,so in this review I will try to make this as SHORT as possible. I noticed that this is my 10th blog post and I have not reviewed a single TV show.So,now,I am going to review the newest team of superheroes to grace Cartoon Network: Young Justice.Young Justice is a show which centers around the lives of Aqualad(leader,Aquaman's sidekick),KidFlash(Flash's sidekick),Robin(Batman's sidekick),Superboy(Superman's clone),M'gaan(Martian Manhunter's niece) and Artemis(Green Arrow's niece).They are called The Team.This is the time when the Justice League are celebrities,which makes it hard for them to do covert missions.So Batman made The Team to take over underground missions.This show is great for numerous reasons.One: They focus on the main characters and avoid what the JLA cartoon show did in the second season which had WAY too many sub-characters to care about. Second: The animation here is more or less superior to Teen Titans.Why? Well it was hard to take Teen Titans serious moments seriously because the animation was kinda childish.Here,they avoid that.Third: Some Justice League members cameo regularly on the show,the most prominent are Captain Marvel,Black Canary,Red Tornado and the Batman(need I say more?) Though the biggest pro this show's got is the ongoing plot. They almost never stray from the main plot,and even when they do,its to strengthen the sub-plots.OK guys this is my analysis of Young Justice:Season one and I have tried to make it as short as possible.I have not watched and I don't think I will watch Young Justice:Invasion(second season)because I don't like the time-skip.I will give it a try though.Now I just realized that most of you may not have watched Young Justice since its relatively new and I don't think its showing in Malaysia yet. So,if you guys know what's a torrent,I have found this great torrent consisting of all the episodes of Young Justice here.Thanks you all if you manage to read this far,I hope you can give me feedback on whether you rather this version of a review(where I say the strong points and not the storyline) or the other one where I say the storyline then give a short review.Also please tell me whether you like my old or newer design better on my Facebook,Twitter or Google Plus.
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