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This blog is gonna be about me reviewing stuff like movies books TV shows etc. And, at times, when I feel nostalgic, old cartoons or TV shows.
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Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the ...
Hi. Reviewer is the name of this blog. Since this is my first post. I'd like to share things about me and about this blog. This blog ...
Hey guys thank you guys again for helping my page reach a complete total of 417 pageviews! Now let's get to Pokemon,or the first movie...
OK guys usually I don't do back to back reviews but I don't want to slack and since last month has 9 reviews,I'm going keep it...
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie revi...
Demonata....how DO you pronounce that properly?
Once again,thank you ALL for your 222 pageviews! Means ALOT! Now for this review, its going to be about a book series I like, Demonata,whose author is Darren Shan,notably famous for his Vampire Saga(though the movie sucked,kinda sad really). Demonata has 10 books and it deals with demons and not vampires this time.The story centers and is told from a first person basis by the three main protagonist: Grubitsch "Grubbs" Grady,Cornelius"Kernel"Fleck and Bec Maconn.Though they do meet up at some point in the story,they are at first in seperate timelines. Grubbs in the present day, Kernel in the 1970's and Bec in the ancient time of around 450AD.There are WAY too many stuff to cover,so I'll just cover each of the protagonist debut book.Grubbs witnesses his parents death by a demon called Lord Loss and goes to live with his uncle,Dervish.There he learns he has magic powers.He also learns that he might be a werewolf because his ancestor has bred with a demon before and the result is a werewolf and both his father and sister were werewolves.He finds a friend in Billy(Bill-E),a boy.Bill-E's mother died when he was young and he doesn't know his father,though he suspects Dervish since Dervish has been so persistent to be friends with him.In the end,it is revealed Bill-E is a werewolf and the way to cure him is Lord Loss who challenges humans to chess and battle.They succeed and Bill-E is back to normal,though its revealed he is actually Grubbs brother(Grubbs father had an affair)but Grubbs didn't feel like telling the truth yet)Kernel is a boy who lives in the 1970's and can see invisible magical lights.One day, he used magical lights to open a portal to the realm of the Demonata.After that incident,his parents move them all to another town.After one year,his brother,Art was captured by a demon.So he goes to the realm of the Demonata and on his journey he meets up with a group of magicians called the Disciples led by Barnabus.Barnabus wants to chase the demon who captured Art because he suspects that demon knows something about an ancient weapon called the Kah-Gash) In the end,Kernel finds his brother in Lord Loss's realm.It is revealed that Art is Lord Loss's minion,Artery.When Kernel opened the portal,he accidentally stole Art and,desperate for a friend,altered his face and made Artery 'Art'.In the end,he gave Artery back to Lord Loss and finds out he has a piece of the Kah-Gash(one of three) and decides to go with Barnabus.Bec is a girl who lived in the 400AD. She was on a quest to close a tunnel of magic(which the demons could use to come through in hordes).On her journey,she found a friend in Bran(who,in the future,will come to be the legendary magician Barnabus),met Old Creatures(magical ancient beings) and fought Lord Loss(subsequently stealing the piece of Kah-Gash inside him,making herself a piece)In the end she was trapped underground for a few centuries before rising again in Grubbs time.(Note:she is one of Grubbs ancestors,though even in her time,her clan was inflicted with the werewolf curse). That's it,the story of book 1(Grubbs) book 2(Kernel) and book 4(Bec).I love this Demonata saga and I honestly can't say if I prefer this one of the Vampire Saga(both by Darren Shan).The Vampire Saga will have a special place in my heart since it made my want to read serial books(after this,I went straight to Harry Potter).But I love sagas that have more than one protagonist and have their characters and storyline interwine with each other.So its a great saga and you guys should DEFINITELY give it a try.That's my review this time and hopefully you all will comment on where I can improve.For those without Blogger accounts,comment on my Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
That's a lot of pokemon adventures sagas for me to cover....
This may sound stale, but thank you all for your much appreciated 181 pageviews! Now on to the topic: After about 5 consecutive movie reviews, I feel like getting back to the book reviews, or in this special case,a comic series: Pokemon Adventures. Yes technically its a manga translated and yes Pokemon is for kids and stuff and there are many incarnations of the game, but I particularly enjoy this one. Why? Let's find out. First of all,almost all the characters have depth and distinct personalities,which means they are much more enjoyable than the animated series in my humble opinion. Since their are so many sagas to cover,I'll cover the first saga here only: The Red,Blue and Green saga. The protagonist,Red is a young boy with a Poliwhirl and has dreams of becoming one of the greats.He is given a Pokedex and a Bulbasaur by Professor Oak when Professor Oak saw his passion and great affinity with Pokemon.He has a rival,Blue, makes enemies in the form of Team Rocket and a much more deadly rival:Giovanni,leader of Team Rocket.His affinity with Pokemon seems second to none,being able to befriend a Gyrados and Eevee who were tortured under Team Rocket and,perhaps more impressive,a Mewtwo,which was created by Team Rocket.He befriends a couple of people in his journeys,including the gym leaders-Brock,Misty Erika, helps Blaine,a former team-rocket/corrupt gym leader(one of 4,the other 3 being: Lt. Surge,Sabrina and Koga) to become good again,befriends Yellow and,with the help of the good gym leaders and Blue and Green, ultimately defeat Team Rocket and defeat his deadliest rival, Giovanni and win the Pokemon League,triumphing Blue at the climax,though the match was closely watched by a mysterious group of four. That's the main story, now let's get to the characters. Red: Red is a brash but good hearted young boy who jumps into battle without a plan or worry about his safety.He loves Pokemon and can't stand them being subjected to torture. His rival is Blue and they make an effort to show how Blue affects Red's life and vice versa. Indeed,at one point they accidentally switch Pokemon and Pokedex,meaning they have complete access to their rivals thoughts etc. In the end, they both benefit from they rivalry, Professor Oak claiming to see some qualities of Blue in Red and vice versa when watching them in the Pokemon League Final.
.Misty(one of the good gym leaders) is implied to have a crush on Red,but that really doesn't go anywhere. Blue:Blue is the suave,cool-headed guy with a plan,though admittedly he has more training(third saga says more)He doesn't care about attacking weaker pokemon and is very strict with his pokemon.By the end,he learns his errors from Red and becomes a strong,honourable trainer. Green is an interesting character. She was abducted at a young age,trained by a mysterious man(identity revealed in the third saga) and she stole the Pokedex and a Squirtle from Prof.Oak. Her motives were unknown till the League semi-final match,where Prof.Oak manage to tear away her tough façade and see that she was just a little girl trying to get attention,which was why she resorted to stealing.Prof.Oak forgave her and she became good friends with Red and Blue(though Blue,being the suave,cool one of the group,constantly complains about how noisy she is).I like this saga. It establishes each character has their own personalities, Red and Blue make the rival to friend transition perfectly,and Green was an interesting character(though her own saga won't end until the third one). The characters do feel like they improve,get more experienced and actually grow up.Its a great story considering its just following a game for nintendo, OK guys this is my review,thanks for reading and I hope you all will comment on where I can improve! Note: I know you have to make an account to comment on my blog and its very troublesome,so if you want to skip all that trouble,Facebook Message me:
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What exactly do the Avengers avenge?
Thank you all for your 173 pageviews which I always stress means ALOT to me! I just watched The Dark Knight Rises last Saturday, it was EPIC! But that movie effectively closed the superhero movie season for this year. So now I'm gonna dig back and talk about the movie that started this year's superhero season, the Avengers.(What do they avenge anyway?) Warning: This IS going to be a spoiler review,but you can't blame me for that,its July and you should have already watched this great movie. The Avengers storyline is pretty basic,with the villain, Loki,Thor's brother, coming to Earth with an army of Chitauri behind him to get the Tesseract and destroy Earth. At the end though we see he's actually taking orders from Thanos(probably villain for the next Avengers movie.I enjoyed this movie,despite some flaws, though the flaws are minimal.The roster for this movie is Captain America, Iron Man,Thor,Hulk,Hawkeye and Black Widow. The thing I like was that the characters were already established of being in a same universe, which I think is the first time in history that has ever been done. Sure it took a LONG four years, but it was worth every second. The biggest gripe I have with this movie is Hulk,or at least Bruce Banner's explanation on how he controls the Hulk. Don't get me wrong, I prefer Mark Ruffalo over Edward Norton as Bruce, but the "I'm always angry" line doesn't make sense to me. Can any of you tell me what that meant? The next gripe was the way the Chitauri were beaten. They had an epic battle, but when I saw it for the second time,it seemed like the almighty galactic army were taken down by a nuclear missile. Heck if that was true just send Iron Man to fire it and be done with it. The next gripe could be considered nit-picking but I'm still gonna list it anyway. While the Avengers were busy fighting and all, where the heck was S.H.E.I.L.D and Nick Fury? I mean I know they aren't powerful, but they could give help in numbers, for god's sake its 6 Avengers against a whole army while the most powerful secret agency on the planet doesn't do anything! But in the end, I feel the movie pro's FAR outweigh the con's, and since there are too many, I'll list out a few(though the best way to know is just go WATCH the movie): Mark Ruffalo's stellar performance(I note him because I was most worried with the constant recasting of Hulk), each of the Avengers get enough screen time(yes even with 6 bigger than life characters, they all have distinct personalities), they had a most believable threat(a whole galactic army) and its surprisingly funny(Robert Downey Jr. was expected, but the others had some memorable moments too). The biggest PRO of the movie is that it is the first of its kind and made something that will probably change every producer's mind when making a super hero movie: a shared cinematic universe. But after rambling on about superhero movies, I feel its time for me to get back to books,or in this case,comics. So watch out for my next review on a series of comics I enjoy whole-heartedly: Pokemon Adventures(yea it was a kid's show but hey I'm still not fully a teenager yet) OK guys once again thank you for your pageviews and hopefully you'll comment on where I can improve!
Joel Schumacher's turn for Batman.....WHY?
OK once again thank you all for your 156 pageviews! Means a lot to me! For today's review, I'm going to review both Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Tim Burton decided he had enough Batman and gave it to Joel Schumacher. Batman Forever stars Val Kilmer as Batman and for some reason I don't enjoy him as much as Micheal Keaton. The story is Gotham's DA,Harvey, was attacked by the mob and half his face is disfigured. He blames wrongfully blames Batman for this. The other villain is The Riddler who is Edward Nigma who works for Wayne Corp. and wants revenge on Bruce Wayne for snubbing his mind-control project. Bruce's love interest this time is Dr Chase Meridian and they go to a circus for their first date. However, there they witness Two-Face killing the circus's main stars except for Richard Grayson. Richard Grayson moves in with Batman and they become Batman and Robin and they stop the villain. The thing I don't like about this movie is that it could be so much more. The Riddler found out Batman identity,they trash the Batcave, they have Robin, yet they didn't play these to their full potential. Especially Robin,they could show Batman training him, dealing with a partner who,like him, also loses his parents,helping Robin get over his tragedy and such but they didn't have much of that. And the villains are stupid, they are shallow and not all that complex. The movie's not bad, its just not good. Average I guess, because they had good action and good plot just didn't know how to show it and the pacing's off. Batman and Robin is the worst of them all. I won't go into much detail about it since everyone else already has.I'll give a short plot for you: Mr.Freeze wants to get billions of dollars to heal his wife while Poison Ivy wants to save the plants and Bane is...I don't know. And it introduces Batgirl. Sounds ok right? WRONG! George Clooney is not good at all as Batman,Robin is a whiny prick, Batgirl is irrelevant,Mr Freeze is stupid,Poison Ivy's actor can't act and Bane is just a guy on steroids. Let's just say you can enjoy it if you view it as a parody. I know this post feels rushed and short. Its because I feel kinda sad for the death's of these people :http://www.eonline.com/news/331806/the-dark-knight-rises-horror-gunman-kills-12-injures-50-at-colarado-screening and keep thinking of their deaths when I talk about Batman(don't worry though I'm still a huge fan of him) I'm posting it here to honour them...I mean people who would go to midnight screenings must be pretty big fans to wait so long and then suddenly they got shot,that's not fair. OK guys so thanks for your continued support,hope you'll comment on where I can improve and look forward to my next review!
Where exactly does Batman return from?
Thank you all for your 145 pageviews! It means a lot that you all are supporting me. Now for the next review I journey on to Batman Returns. Batman Returns is directed by Tim Burton and its going to be the last film by him. This batman movie is considerably darker and much more creepier(especially that scene where Penguin bites off someone's nose) For the first part of the movie is how Penguin and Catwoman came to be. Penguin was borne deformed and his parents,disgusted,throws him down a sewer where he lives there for many years with his family of penguins and later on a bunch of freaks from a circus before coming to resurface later on. Catwoman is Selina Kyle, a poor invisible secretary who accidentally saw her corrupt boss's secret files, which prompts said boss to push her down a really huge building, where some cats come and revive her, I guess? The boss of Selina is Max Shreck, a corrupt business man who wants to take over the town. Max does so by putting out the story that Penguin is a sad lost soul looking for his parents and making him run for mayor.Didn't work out because Batman prevented it. Penguin has his own plan which is kidnap all the kids in Gotham then make them suffer like he did. Also didn't work out because Batman stops him. Catwoman wants her personal revenge on Max for almost killing her,which she manages to do so by shocking him and her with electricity,though later on it was implied that she was still alive. In the end, Penguin dies, Max dies but Catwoman lives. That's the whole plot. OK now for the pros and cons,and something extra,the theme.This movie's theme is revenge: Penguin wants revenge on his parents for dumping him. Since his parents are dead, he decides to take revenge on the whole of Gotham by kidnapping their kids. Catwoman wants revenge on her boss for almost killing her. And the thing is, I kinda felt sorry for both of them. Penguin was just a lost soul,I didn't really feel like he was evil, and most of his acts(except for stealing the kids) were because he was manipulated by Max. I felt kinda sorry for Catwoman too. She has been bullied and then nearly killed by her boss so its fair she get something in return right? Killing is a bit too much, but you can see in the movie that she has gone so far past normality that she's not even sure if she's human,cat or something else. Pros are: I liked Catwoman and Penguin's plan to take down Batman, which was make Batman the villain. It seems more logical than the Joker's plan. Cons are I didn't feel much between Batman and Catwoman. They're are supposed to be in love with each other in the movie but I didn't feel alot of development between them. And this plays a big role in the movie since in the end Batman rips off his mask to try to save her. Another thing I didn't like was Catwoman's revival. She FELL about twenty stories and some cats come and lick her and she's suddenly all fine? But that was nitpicking. OK so thank you all for supporting me, hopefully I can get the next one out tonight. Please comment and tell me where I can improve!
I have given a name to my pain:Batman
Once again, thanks for your 129 pageviews! It means a lot! Now time for Batman(1989) movie review. This is going to be different from the Harry Potter review. Its not going to be a short by short, I'm just going to talk about this one movie. Sorry I didn't post this yesterday like I promised, but I had something to do. OK now for the review. This Batman movie, in my opinion, made Batman mainstream, which means it was the one that made everyone notice Batman,which is great. I just only watched Batman yesterday,and I'm not one of those people who watched as a kid in 1989, so this is going to be a different point of view from all those people who hold this movie in nostalgic value(not saying their bad in case you misinterpret me, just saying this is going to be different). Batman(1989) was directed by Tim Burton and Tim Burton made this Batman a dark and gritty version. I'm still not sure if it was designed for kids or adults. Micheal Keaton was the Batman and when I searched for Micheal Keaton, he was a comedian at that time. I was like, what? Comedian being the Dark Knight? But he did a great job as Batman, not talking too much just going around in the Batsuit saying 'I'm Batman' and the way he introduced himself was really great. He just grabbed a random thug and held him over a building and said 'I'm Batman'. OK on to the plot: There's this guy named Jack in the mob whose boss set him up because Jack's dating his wife(or was it daughter?) Then Jack fell over and was bathed in chemical sludge then the next thing you know BOOM Joker's here! Then you have this character Vicky Vale who wants to know whose the Batman and decides to dig into Bruce Wayne's past and discovered his parents were shot. Which is a funny thing for me: I thought Bruce Wayne was like the Bill Gates of Gotham, everyone knew him and his past and such. But I guess its a different take in which Bruce is just another rich guy. Which explains why Micheal didn't have that gravelly voice since he has no need of disguising himself. Continuing though, I did not like Joker being all lovey with Vicky. It didn't do anything for the plot and it wasn't like he was trying to kidnap her since it was obvious Bruce likes her and saves her a bunch of times in the Batsuit.No just Joker being in love with Batman's love interest(ugh). Anyway, the Joker covers Gotham City with his killing(I guess) gas but luckily Batman manages to prevent it. The final act is Batman and Joker having a fist fight on the top of a huge tower and Joker falling to his death. The one thing I have to comment on that last scene was how creepy it was seeing Joker still laughing in his death. There are pros and cons in this movie. The pro was Micheal Keaton. He did a great job of being Batman and Bruce Wayne.The strongest point of the movie though was Jack Nicholsan's Joker. This movie should be called Joker since its more or less a Joker origin tale. It doesn't show how Batman became Batman it shows how Joker became The Joker. And the Joker himself was awesome he had this one scene where he was all like 'Well I'm glad your dead' and he gives this crazy hellish laugh.Awesome. The cons of the movie was, I said before, the Joker's interest in Vicky Vale. Another flaw was the way Vicky Vale discovers Batman's identity. I thought Batman doesn't trust anyone ever(Alfred not included) so I don't know why Alfred had to tell her his identity. I guess it has something to do with Alfred wanting Bruce to settle down but I didn't like it. Last thing though was Commissioner Gordon. He was such a weak character that I felt if he was left out of the movie, no big difference. Overall a great movie,but if you live and die by the Nolan movies you might not like this one. In fact I had to rewatch it and completely drive Nolan's films out of my mind to make sure this is a fair review. Once again thanks for viewing my page guys and hopefully you all will comment on how I can improve and can tell me whether you like the short by short review or this long one type review. Look forward to my next review: Batman Returns! I am Reviewer(jumps off building)
Yes a Harry Potter review again
Thanks again you all for your generous 80 pageviews. It means a lot! Now, Harry Potter movies, let's get to the review. Again this is a personal opinion but more lengthy than the book review since I have more 'problems' with the movies than the books. First movie: Good adaptation, kinda awkward and funny seeing the three then young main actors trying to act. Second movie: Like the books, not much difference IMO Third movie: Time travelling was great to read, but I love seeing it acted out Fourth movie: It makes the Triwizard more bearable with nice special effects Fifth movie: This movie feels rushed but I can kinda understand since the book:Order of the Phoenix, in my opinion, is the longest in the franchise Sixth movie: It kinda ruined the viewing hidden pasts since it has about 2 hours to adapt the book and they just shove away ALOT of memories 7th and 8th: Since its a single book,this is a single short review. Nice, 1st half suspense,friendship under trouble,adventure etc. but the 2nd half REALLY rocks with that huge war..the only gripe though was the watered down battle between Harry and Voldemort. OK so since I didn't get any helpful suggestions on how to improve in my last post, I decided to be clearer. You can say ANYTHING in the comments, just so long it tells me how to improve, because pleasing you people is what I care about. Since the Dark Knight Rises opens here on Saturday, I have four days to talk about the four previous films (The Dark Knight and Batman Begins I'm not reviewing since everyone has already gave them positive reviews). So please watch out for the next review, Batman (1989).
Harry Potter and the not so professionally done review
Harry Potter. The phenomenon that lasted a decade. First off I'd like to say I enjoy reading Harry Potter. The movies, meh. But let's talk about the books. This is going to be a very short book by book review and its a personal opinion,so don't take it too much too heart if you don't agree with me. First book-great, introduction to the world and harry himself. Second-same as the first one, with a much rushed ending . Third-Nice because of the time-travelling and bad because of the time-travelling. Fourth- Nice mystery, but kinda draggy(did they have to put so much challenges in the Triwizard?). Fifth- Not too bad, but what a sad death it had. Sixth- I love looking back at people's hidden past which is why I enjoyed this one immensely. Seventh- Like I said, looking back at people's hidden past is what I enjoy, so it is good, but that whole 'love protection' thing and Harry coming back to life was really head-scratching. These books were awesome and made me want to read more higher standard books. The thing I enjoyed was that she(JKR) didn't forget any plots or subplots IMO in the whole franchise. Like the Riddle's diary in Chamber of Secrets(2) is explained all the way in the sixth book. So this is my not so professionally done review of Harry Potter and my first jab at blogging. Since I'm not popular enough to ask you on what you would like me to review next , I'll just sign off saying please look forward to my next review of the Harry Potter movies(hopefully when I'm done with that, I'll fine something else to review). One more thing, I know this isn't great, so if you could spare a second and send feedback or comment on what you liked and didn't like about this review, please do so. I don't much care if you write hate messages or critical stuff like that, just please tell me where I can improve. Lastly, thank you all for your 71 page reviews! Even one counts as much as 100 to me, thanks!

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